Search results

  1. What happened to the Germans?

    Hey there from time to time I log in to the Server and run a small gun shop and that's always fun when some of the older players walk into my shop and recognize me after 2 seconds and just hang out in the shop. I stopped playing on the Server because I have a new job where I am the Head of 15...
  2. Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Creepis well i got quiet interested in perp again so i thinking of joining a org and try to teach them how i use to run orgs and hopeful create a few rp orgs or some nice looking gun Shops
  3. Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Creepis i am 27 not 30 dont make me older then i am but that was a very good time back then we had in our org a good mix of RP and Fun.
  4. Roleplay

    Some of you may know me I was the leader of the German Mafia the Org I had was not based on making money or Raiding our goal was it to make RP most of the Time we had a Gun Shop and we made a lot of RP around it. Or when I Remember back there was an Org that just RP a Restaurant such things are...
  5. RP

    Hey There most of you don't know me but back in the Days when perp was a serious rp server i was running a small German Organisation called German Mafia. The Organisation didn`t care about making money or raiding our goal was it to have fun with RP and as i can say the time back then was my best...
  6. Selling/Buying Premium

    Buying Premium Your Steam Name: Palono Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20406899 Your Roleplay Name: Palono Harrison Buying Price (In-game money): however much you sell for. Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 180 Still Buying: (Please update when you are no longer buying): yes
  7. ja

  8. Palono

    Thanks a lot
  9. A long time ago in perp

    but no one had that nice gun shops like we used to have :)
  10. Resignation

    will miss you cole. We had a lot of fun together and in the German Mafia.
  11. A long time ago in perp

    I hope we will soon see it again this good old times.
  12. [DEBATE] Is Olsen Banden ruining PERP?

    What i have seen in perp there are less RP or Crafting Orgs like the Trapanis or the German Mafia. and there are less Gun shops around then one year ago. i mean this is a Gun Shop that was Good old German Mafia time
  13. New Idetity?

    Idetity got ones a week a dev update and if you look what they already have it`s nice. i take a look how this guys will do it to hape taht we got more RP games like we play in Gmod or ArmA
  14. New Idetity?

    I just found on kickstarter a simular Project to Identity check it out.
  15. TFU's current state

    Hey there, I am a Sgt. in Plpd, My feeling about TFU: + TFU is nice if you have huger Shutouts with gangs, the Cops winn more often huger fights. + Extend the Rp. ( In a lot of situation TFU can extend the RP without the player call it Police Powergaming) - I don`t like it that TFU take over...
  16. It's time to say goodbye

    some of you notice that i am back
  17. It's time to say goodbye

    Thx Guys and i start plying now more Star Citizen to train my Org there we awating 2.0 and @Walker see you in the verse
  18. It's time to say goodbye

    Hey , it`s me your Palono a quiet part of the community but a long time Hatt spent here I'll leave Perp because the Rp has increased to a minimum and the senseless killing to a maximum Thanks for the great time with you , it was just great Thx to the German Mafia. My Baby. Special thanks to...
  19. Bye

    the Best man form the German Mafia is leaving the City we keep you in Memories
  20. 28-08-2015 Update log

    i saw on Xqualitiys Twitch channel that he`s working at the map, will the "new" map comm with the next update??
  21. Best RP gamemode besides PERP

    SCPRP form Werfolf gaming Community i have there a lot of fun
  22. Le SkinHeads

    But they buy a lot of guns from the German Mafia and if they had to much after a Raid it was a chep buy for ous. Thos went nice times we have to meet ous one day and bring the Fight club at the Farm Back. :)
  23. Chris Blackburn Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Palono / Palono Harrison His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Chris Blackburn His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58528642 Why Should This Player Be Punished: RDM, I just came in service as a sgt and startet my normal patroulle to the Buissnes zone, as i arrived at Buissnes Zone without...
  24. Crime Database Lel.

    Ok all people how wont accest to the Crime database to edit pls write me a pm with zour email adres and i will send you a manual how to use it.
  25. Crime Database Lel.

    If you wont i can rest my database and train some people to use it. And don`t forget all informations in the Database we have from Interigations.
  26. An Important Lesson I Learnt Yesterday in PERP

    But you servived i went Cop and it went very crazy we waitet for 10 min on FF
  27. Ban Request

    Kelly Toald me about Danile and as we arrived at the location she Jelled loud Thats Daniel, we went on the Way to MecU to Fix My car. As we arrived there i saw you standing around my car it look like you place a bomb in or want to thife it. And finely i got killed without Hading a gun equiped...
  28. Ban Request

    Take a look in the Demo from my side you will see: - I don`t went the Driver - I don`t shot on you - I i pickt up a Gun from the ground. - Kelly toald me that one of you went Daniel how spoke out a deth therder agais me. Demo The Situation Start at Tick 70`000 Where a Black car Tray to Ramm...
  29. Useless RC

    Place car boots so they pay then 500$ to you.
  30. Police Org

    We add now a system that all can report crimes to our datebase so we have still the check if we add it or not