Recent content by peeps

  1. peeps

    Whatcha doing snooping my profile huh

    Whatcha doing snooping my profile huh
  2. peeps

    Don't worry, that photo is from months ago. [IMG]

    Don't worry, that photo is from months ago.
  3. peeps


  4. peeps
  5. peeps


  6. peeps

    Server Suggestion Reserved Slots for Chief Paramedics

    Unlike police, the medic gameplay experience degrades dramatically with more medics on, hence the limits. Also unlike with Police, EMS chiefs have no responsibilities and so no reason they need to be on at a specific point in time to deal with any specific situations
  7. peeps

    Server Suggestion Emotions

    We'd rather work on adding more emotes
  8. peeps

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    When we are ready for release. I work on the map 6-8 hours every day. Making the first teaser took just over a week, so it's time id rather spend finishing the map.
  9. peeps

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    Bazaar works because it is a social area for people who prefer less shooting based gameplay. Splitting it up would mean all shops and players who use them will suffer. Also new bazaar is an enclosed building.
  10. peeps

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    To clarify optimisation is one of the final steps, and we aren't there yet. But we are aiming for "not worse" than V5. Better if we can manage it but no guarentees, its a much more complicated map.
  11. peeps

    Server Suggestion Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes

    Possibly the most horrifying progression of a suggestion thread I have ever seen.
  12. peeps

    Community Suggestion Monthly Q&A For Update Demand

    This is unlikely to be very helpful overall. I want to start by saying that the development team are very aware of what players want already, we read the forums, and keep up to date with the suggestions players make. That being said, community wants don't always line up with our long term...