Recent content by pingu

  1. pingu

    happy birthday big lad

    happy birthday big lad
  2. pingu

    Event Suggestion Pingu's Roleplay Events

    whole point of this was to have a scrap of RP big man, that sounds like a normal day in paralake.
  3. pingu

    #RemoveDispatch - A discussion

    Dispatch is the only thing keeping me around, to be honest. When you can't be arsed with the issues that come hand in hand with PERP "roleplay",especially stuff that primarily affects so-called cop mains like myself (shameless acknowledgement), dispatch is great. Removing dispatch is removing a...
  4. pingu

    Police Suggestion Negotiations/Hostage Division

    110%. This isn't an "we hate TFU" post, I appreciate a lot of the lads in the division do take these situations seriously but that play to win mentality, which as you said, is PERP at this point, more or less ends in disaster. If that is the case just go on as usual, if roleplay is that dire...
  5. pingu

    Police Suggestion Negotiations/Hostage Division

    100% and I hope TFUTOs will take this into consideration and actually enforce a high standard of roleplay when it comes to the division. My name being added to the suggestion makes it look like a power grab, I need to emphasize that this isn't the case. A shift in mindset would perhaps be more...
  6. pingu

    Police Suggestion Negotiations/Hostage Division

    Exactly. At least train TFU officers in actual deescalation tactics and genuine empathy for the hostage takers. Deal with negotiations properly. That makes a good negotiator. Put it this way mate, if you manipulate the hostage taker, or just shoot everyone, then a domino effect starts. No one...
  7. pingu

    Police Suggestion Negotiations/Hostage Division

    This isn't a complaint it's a suggestion. Read my post please and get back to me, taking into consideration my points made regarding TFU and negotiations. At the very least run it under TFU and have actually train these TFOs. Being in-gear and negotiating a release is alarming, you wouldn't want...
  8. pingu

    Police Suggestion Negotiations/Hostage Division

    This would be a beneficial implementation providing that the hostage takers are actually willing to roleplay at a high standard. I have nothing against Tactical Firearms Unit members generally, nor anyone who has taken a hostage, or negotiated for the release of a hostage in the past, but most...
  9. pingu

    Congratulations, well deserved

    Congratulations, well deserved
  10. pingu

    You are now green. Congratulations big man!

    You are now green. Congratulations big man!
  11. pingu

    Remove alarms from bank and jennifer windows

    Alternatively can we just stop ramming the window and parking inside bank with a full sized hummer (etc). It’s ridiculous lads xx
  12. pingu

    Happy birthday mate!

    Happy birthday mate!
  13. pingu

    Can I get a discount on my meal deal xx

    Can I get a discount on my meal deal xx
  14. pingu

    @Billy Fucking Ray

    Best civilian-main I know. Big up.
  15. pingu

    @Billy Fucking Ray

    God bless.