Recent content by Poxier

  1. Poxier

    cooldown for now

    tbf It was a decision you made and now you gotta face the consequences. Play stupid games win stupid prizes Goodbye though
  2. Poxier

    Poxier AR

    The items I dropped were insignificant in this case, as again, I was able to break the mugging situation. The distance doesn't really matter, as I was less than a meter away from the closest corner. Also, yes, you can see me running when you turn the first corner, but I already got enough...
  3. Poxier

    Poxier AR

    You can see from the video evidence that I was close to a corner when he had the initial GP at me, so I had a fair chance to break GP. It's important to know that at that time my character was drunk so when I started running away I had a some sway, but regardless I believe I had a fair chance of...
  4. Poxier

    AR on Poxier!nlhDEI5Q!KJTPxn9mv2PKKFib7dyCAdqYTI1z32i4a036d_6R1Ug Situation starts roughly at tick 8700. You can see me clearly scouting the place, making sure that there are no people around. @Gimic
  5. Poxier

    AR on Poxier

    I think it's a little silly that the defendant needs to prove if he's guilty or not. It should go the other way around in my opinion, the plaintiff should provide the evidence that proves the other party guilty. I'll however upload the demo soon, I just need to find it.
  6. Poxier

    AR on Poxier

    No, what actually happened was that I lockpicked myself into a bazaar shop when no one was around. I secured the shop and started picking up the plants. I harvested THREE of the FOUR planters that were there before I started hearing noises just outside the shop. I raised my gun and sure enough a...
  7. Poxier

    server causing asthma attacks

    I don't see the point in this thread wtf all this poor boy does is take one deeper breath after he dies i bet u all make some zoo ass monkey noises when you play I make them too but I always have my voice activated anyway so its rp and ok
  8. Poxier

    Instinctive reaction???

    @Daigestive Again I'd like to remind you that the whole scope of this isn't to talk about what happened. But in order to make this more meaningful, could you elaborate on your point? I don't know if this is what you're after, but we can talk about this from IRL perspective. People do still...
  9. Poxier

    Instinctive reaction???

    Fellow GaMeR, you know what's up.
  10. Poxier

    Instinctive reaction???

    "That's the whole point of this. In real life, you don't pull out your gun/knife with the click of a single button, no, more effort goes into it. But it is different in-game, when indeed, that weapon is only a button click away. I think this really lowers the barrier for something like this and...
  11. Poxier

    Instinctive reaction???

    That's the whole point of this. In real life, you don't pull out your gun/knife with the click of a single button, no, more effort goes into it. But it is different in-game, when indeed, that weapon is only a button click away. I think this really lowers the barrier for something like this and...
  12. Poxier

    Instinctive reaction???

    Yeah, I suspected that I can't be the only one who does it. It's interesting to think about this in the light of rule 3.4, preserving your own life as it creates an artificial element in these specific situations in order to keep the RP consistent. But of course, it is better to have the rule...
  13. Poxier

    Instinctive reaction???

    Right! So, I was involved in a staff sit and something interesting came up in it that has 'bothered' me slightly afterwards. Not the actual sit itself, no, as it was dealt with appropriately and in my opinion the staff member involved was very fair. What left me thinking was something that...
  14. Poxier

    AR on Jack Peteson

    Alright, it's been quite long since I made the AR and I don't really care that much, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt that it was his internet messing up. Thus, I am requesting this to be closed.
  15. Poxier

    AR on Jack Peteson

    Yes, I was going to confiscate it down at the jail cells but you disconnected. I find it interesting how you were able to play for a long time before the arrest just fine and just happened to get an 'unlucky' timeout when you were going to get sentenced. And what comes to "--but my internet...