Recent content by Sgt.James

  1. Sgt.James

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  2. Sgt.James

    Y doe?

    Y doe?
  3. Sgt.James

    Arma III - KP-Liberation

    I should still have some on my youtube dunno
  4. Sgt.James

    Arma III - KP-Liberation

    Reminds me of the good ol days with our modded Sessions back then. With guarding Checkpoints and getting blown to pieces by Random suicide bombers.
  5. Sgt.James

    Deutschland über alles, am I right?

    Deutschland über alles, am I right?
  6. Sgt.James

    [MEDIA] Just rewatched some of the old vids, this one is the funniest by far :laughcry:

    Just rewatched some of the old vids, this one is the funniest by far :laughcry:
  7. Sgt.James

    Much appriciated. And no, I do not have any Plans on coming back, however I do check the Forums...

    Much appriciated. And no, I do not have any Plans on coming back, however I do check the Forums every now and then.
  8. Sgt.James


  9. Sgt.James

    Much appriciated!

    Much appriciated!
  10. Sgt.James


  11. Sgt.James

    Thank you, fine Sir.

    Thank you, fine Sir.
  12. Sgt.James

    ETS PERPHeads Convoy

    I suggest you contact ETS Staff beforehand to ensure a smooth experience... That way you have them on standby to get rid of any idiots. We tried without them before and it didn't turn out well. Ended up with a bunch of :troll:
  13. Sgt.James

    Updated Log 11/09/2018

    too soon
  14. Sgt.James

    [Discussion] Enforcing 2.9

    bring back helper :laughcry: pls don't
  15. Sgt.James

    Back to what ? I would never abandon my bbgril @Xquality regardless of my living conditions

    Back to what ? I would never abandon my bbgril @Xquality regardless of my living conditions