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  1. Sgt.James

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  2. Sgt.James

    Y doe?

    Y doe?
  3. Sgt.James

    Arma III - KP-Liberation

    I should still have some on my youtube dunno
  4. Sgt.James

    Arma III - KP-Liberation

    Reminds me of the good ol days with our modded Sessions back then. With guarding Checkpoints and getting blown to pieces by Random suicide bombers.
  5. Sgt.James

    Deutschland über alles, am I right?

    Deutschland über alles, am I right?
  6. Sgt.James

    [MEDIA] Just rewatched some of the old vids, this one is the funniest by far :laughcry:

    Just rewatched some of the old vids, this one is the funniest by far :laughcry:
  7. Sgt.James

    Much appriciated. And no, I do not have any Plans on coming back, however I do check the Forums...

    Much appriciated. And no, I do not have any Plans on coming back, however I do check the Forums every now and then.
  8. Sgt.James


  9. Sgt.James

    Much appriciated!

    Much appriciated!
  10. Sgt.James


  11. Sgt.James

    Thank you, fine Sir.

    Thank you, fine Sir.
  12. Sgt.James

    ETS PERPHeads Convoy

    I suggest you contact ETS Staff beforehand to ensure a smooth experience... That way you have them on standby to get rid of any idiots. We tried without them before and it didn't turn out well. Ended up with a bunch of :troll:
  13. Sgt.James

    Updated Log 11/09/2018

    too soon
  14. Sgt.James

    [Discussion] Enforcing 2.9

    bring back helper :laughcry: pls don't
  15. Sgt.James

    Back to what ? I would never abandon my bbgril @Xquality regardless of my living conditions

    Back to what ? I would never abandon my bbgril @Xquality regardless of my living conditions
  16. Sgt.James

    dont even think about hurting my mayor!

    did anyone see the toggle ? no ? me neither.
  17. Sgt.James

    I will post a picture of the old PERP every day until it's fixed

    Ironically it was the Community who initially committed to those changes and supported those.... Would enhance RP they said, it's gonna be fun they said. omegaLUL
  18. Sgt.James

    Im leaving, mass item giveaway and 9 million dollars

    keep it, I don't need it
  19. Sgt.James

    New Fallout announced

    Where is CBBE you perv
  20. Sgt.James

    LEWIS 088 - The time has finally come, thank you to everyone.

    fake german guy that no one liked execpt me
  21. Sgt.James da kriegt mann wieder lust auf GTA SA, mhm ? da kriegt mann wieder lust auf GTA SA, mhm ?
  22. Sgt.James real OG real OG
  23. Sgt.James


    weebs unite
  24. Sgt.James

    Who are you ?

    Who are you ?
  25. Sgt.James

    Clearly lacks the Medal of Valor.

    Clearly lacks the Medal of Valor.
  26. Sgt.James

    AR on some dude that wanted my m4

    Could you further elaborate on your affiliation with the individuals involved in that shooting (the person you were talking to/dead guy one next to the mini) to clarify a few things.
  27. Sgt.James

    I don't like it when people lie to my /me :(

  28. Sgt.James

    He's been educated on the proper procedure for reporting a 'rule breaker' whilst avoiding...

    He's been educated on the proper procedure for reporting a 'rule breaker' whilst avoiding violating the rules himself.
  29. Sgt.James

    AR 3.4 - Not following gunpoint

    Rejected. Situation has already been dealt with.
  30. Sgt.James

    AR on some dude that wanted my m4

    Upload your perspective of this incident within the next 48 hours. @Dom_ would be nice if you could do the same in regards to his friend doing what you've just claimed.