Recent content by ShadowTyler

  1. ShadowTyler

    Server Suggestion Mutual Teamspeak Channel For Org Allies

    Suggestion Title: Mutual Teamspeak Channel For Org Allies Suggestion Description: Could be one more channel in the teamspeak app which can access it two allies org so when there is mutual raid communication would be easier Why should this be added?: - org allies could communicate to each others...
  2. ShadowTyler

    Server Suggestion Vehicle Handling Editor

    I didn't mean take exactly things in vcmod just only the idea of having some of the options inside the vcmod menu and pick the only helpful one's and the one that dosen't abuse any role play
  3. ShadowTyler

    Server Suggestion Vehicle Handling Editor

    Suggestion Title: Vehicle Handling Editor Suggestion Description: New tab inside the npc for upgrading the vehicle, Called Handling Editor, People could pay to edit the Handling for thier cars and maybe have new experience with thier vehicle's and maybe can edit the front and back axle for...
  4. ShadowTyler

    $10m Giveaway and a goodbye

    My Old Ride My Dream Ride
  5. ShadowTyler

    Bye Bye Everyone

    iam selling my pc so i can't join anymore
  6. ShadowTyler

    Bye Bye Everyone

    cya my best guy i found in the server i hope we see you next year
  7. ShadowTyler

    Bye Bye Everyone

    cya my big sharmuta <3
  8. ShadowTyler

    Bye Bye Everyone

    i was actually waiting for it and it take long time i hope when iam back re apply for it
  9. ShadowTyler

    Bye Bye Everyone

    iam gonna miss u too darkness
  10. ShadowTyler

    Bye Bye Everyone

    Hello Guys offically iam quiting perpheads for long time i really have fun these last months and i would like to thanks all oneil industries org members and i would like to thanks @LEWIS 088 for the unban and thank all these people @DB 0.2 @Jack Bushross @Clarky @ALOO89 @LegendRF @Mina @Travis...
  11. ShadowTyler

    Ar on (Jack Peterson , [-Core-] Daan , N1xGhost )

    Problem Solved game problem
  12. ShadowTyler

    Server Suggestion Phone scale setting

    @Clarky alot of people use 4:3 res bc they see it the best for aim but they got problem and people who play on 24 inch monitor got the phone big so if this could be done it will be helpful for everyone they choose the scale that is more comfortable for them
  13. ShadowTyler

    Server Suggestion Phone scale setting

    it must be in settings inside the phone
  14. ShadowTyler

    Server Suggestion Phone scale setting

    Description of the idea: add on phone setting scale for change phone size Why should this be added? (pros): it's very helpful when driving you make phone smaller and when u raid or get raided and you are in ts u can make phone smaller from setting What negatives could this have? (cons): might...
  15. ShadowTyler

    Smaller phone TS

    there is another idea that the phone got settings app and you can choose the phone from 100% to 50% like gcphone in fivem