JARRE May 24, 2020 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAY! I would've given you an m82 as present but I lost a few here and there wonder how that happend!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAY! I would've given you an m82 as present but I lost a few here and there wonder how that happend!
Sam Apr 20, 2020 I have been told that I am not allowed to target a specific staff member for being inactive so... STOP BEING INACTIVE, get on the server and do reports mr lazy bomber!
I have been told that I am not allowed to target a specific staff member for being inactive so... STOP BEING INACTIVE, get on the server and do reports mr lazy bomber!
Mallard Apr 9, 2020 Do you play Modern Warfare? I was in a game and someone else (or you ) called Shay was on my team.