Recent content by Strobez

  1. Strobez

    just because mine got removed doesnt mean you can steal it!!!!!

    just because mine got removed doesnt mean you can steal it!!!!!
  2. Strobez

    it was worth it

    it was worth it
  3. Strobez

    Upcoming changes

    @Collier So when do I get my TFU?
  4. Strobez

    Ar on weak org member

    I was not involved in the actual 'shooting', I was just supplying the information that I knew being someone on TeamSpeak.
  5. Strobez


    @Google Chrome None of it is his props lol n1 go find the person who placed them
  6. Strobez


    Why are you so mad about this? Seems very petty. I agree that when I did it yesterday I made sure to leave a gap on all sides to allow passage through, and it was fine with many staff.
  7. Strobez

    Ar on weak org member

    Can we get a Verified Translator assigned to this AR? I don't think we can communicate within this post without one.
  8. Strobez

    Ar on weak org member

    You did say "Thanks, now I have a reason to KOS you guys". Bojing was just acting out on information he had received. Also I did hear one you guys say something like "I'm gonna kill them" or "Let's kill them" at Slums before this.
  9. Strobez

    Regarding recent incidents

    @efan no compensation :(
  10. Strobez

    Is this against policy?

    rekt looks like i got rekt
  11. Strobez

    Mass RDM

    massssssss rdm is allowed under rule34
  12. Strobez

    smart street racing tactic

    not funny :(
  13. Strobez

    HAHAHAHA the timing

    HAHAHAHA the timing
  14. Strobez

    cba to wait

    cba to wait 10 weeks for a response and i didnt loose anything so doesnt both me heated moment
  15. Strobez

    @FatGeorge you fat cunt i will come to your house and knee cap you

    @FatGeorge you fat cunt i will come to your house and knee cap you