Recent content by The Real Black Jesus

  1. The Real Black Jesus

    A look back at the past.

    don't tell me he was unbanned
  2. The Real Black Jesus

    A look back at the past.

    you're still trash in my eyes :)
  3. The Real Black Jesus

    A look back at the past.

    Much like myself, you get older and you get busy. Your responsibilities increase and at times you just have so much work from either uni or work that video gaming in general isn't a priority. Or sometimes you want to go try something different l. It happens, I think the key is to find a way to...
  4. The Real Black Jesus

    A look back at the past.

    From what I understand from your question regarding the Perp server being empty? I can't speak to that because I don't know what has happened to the community in the last few years. But what I do know is Garrys Mod as a whole is a game that is slowly dying (I think) I mean the original version...
  5. The Real Black Jesus

    A look back at the past.

    Hey, Most of you don't know me, but I was a pretty active member of this community at some point, I think around 2013/14/15-16(I really can't remember so forgive me). But I was just having some nostalgia moments with a couple friends and remembered this community. All my memories of this...
  6. The Real Black Jesus

    i am here

    i am here
  7. The Real Black Jesus


  8. The Real Black Jesus

    Ly dad

    Ly dad
  9. The Real Black Jesus


  10. The Real Black Jesus


  11. The Real Black Jesus

    Where's that birth certificate

    Where's that birth certificate
  12. The Real Black Jesus

    Back? Maybe. Who knows

    Hello you beautiful memes. So today I had the pleasure of playing PERPHeads after a year + of not playing. I truly missed the community and kept remembering the great people I met on here. So I don't know if this official but I think I'm back, hopefully. I joined today and played for 5-6 Hours...
  13. The Real Black Jesus

    End my life

    End my life
  14. The Real Black Jesus

    Sorry bb

    Sorry bb
  15. The Real Black Jesus

    The other lyrics are too difficult and I'm drinking rn.

    The other lyrics are too difficult and I'm drinking rn.