Recent content by Tobiasmr12

  1. Tobiasmr12

    The Bratva-Applications

    In game Name: Toby Richards OOC Name: Tobiasmr12 Why do you want to join the organization: I have played perpheads since 2012-2013 and after recently having a long break i fancy returning. I am a good friend along with a talented player. I will do as asked and needing an org and hearing from...
  2. Tobiasmr12

    AR Bonquiqui

    This was a pure accident, i witnessed Bonquiqui hit matt, unsure if they had pressed the button to cross (at bazaar), your friend moved the weapon and Bonquiqui went to pick it up to move it and missclicked, after this they sid looc whats matts ooc name, i will refund him, i missclicked. If...
  3. Tobiasmr12

    happy bday m8

    happy bday m8
  4. Tobiasmr12

    AR on guys from slums-on behalf of me and ☢Delta_Force☢

    most people didnt know about the ticket, most of the org just knew that we were under attack and theirfore the shootout started. What happened with the other org members just defending themselves i dont think should be put into hand. Im gonna -Support this as i feel that the ar should be on the...
  5. Tobiasmr12

    ar on toby richards

    @Chris hey Chris this isnt the first time fenix has tried getting me into trouble. They know who I am and this name change and rule break I think is him trying to get me in trouble. Their original name was jauo I think. He has a yellow 918 spider but can you make them change their name. Thanks
  6. Tobiasmr12

    ar on toby richards

    just saying thats not me, u can check logs. I saw this and got so confused. If a member of staff can check logs to prove this that would be greatly appriciated.
  7. Tobiasmr12

    [Pets] Do you have a Pet?

    this my English bulldog, George
  8. Tobiasmr12

    Addition to 12.4 Parking

    I would definitely support this as this happens to me all the time and people saying nothing says I can't. And people then follow on to say well call your supervisor and I'm gonna get u demoted and shit. Anyway thats me ranting but yeah, this would add more realism for such a small chance and...
  9. Tobiasmr12

    The order of sin.

    u better remove this as half of it contain useless inforamtion, sam is not in the org and will not be returning and hasnt been updated and a new post is being made by myself in the next week. DELETE
  10. Tobiasmr12


    You'll be truely missed pal, ill look after the org. wait a lil bit and im sure an apology will get u back. p.s im crying inside, :( love u
  11. Tobiasmr12

    Ar on Shaun

  12. Tobiasmr12

    The Harpers Applications.

    IG Name / Steam Name: Toby Richards / Tobiasmr12 Age: 16 Total Playtime: Roughly 2 months as far as I'm aware. Combat Experience 1-10: 8 Driving skills 1-10: 9.5/10 Current money: around 750k - Growing alot so money will increase Cars owned: Mini Cooper, Mini cooper clubman, rx-7, Hudson hornet...
  13. Tobiasmr12

    AR on Toby Richards (|Z| Tobisamr12)

    Hi mage, im Toby the guy you were raiding, after reviewing your demo and comparing it to mine from your perspective it seems that i was under gunpoint but after i reviewed my demo and slowed it down which i recommend you do when watching it i found that u put your gun away and then took it back...
  14. Tobiasmr12

    The Harpers Applications.

  15. Tobiasmr12

    Car gears

    -Removed, please use the comment function in future. -Ash (3) "5) Unnesesarry posting - When replying to a topic/post you should use the appropriate response system, plese 'comment' on the post, if you need to extend on something and it's too long to put in the comments, please just post a reply"