Recent content by TYMON007

  1. TYMON007

    Action Request (ItsSword)

    This player is banned due to another situation for a very long period of time. I will still put a warning on his record for this incident.
  2. TYMON007

    Action Request (ItsSword)

    @ItsSword can you explain your actions?
  3. TYMON007

    Refund Request (littleevi)

    1x G3A3, 1x G3A3 mag (FULL), 1x G3A3 stock, 1x rifle comp, 1x aimpoint sight
  4. TYMON007

    Refund Request (E-kitten4Grandpas)

    1x Sako 1x Sako Stock 1x Sako Mag (full) 1x Red Dot Sight 1x Rifle Compensator
  5. TYMON007

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    1x STEYR AUG A3 1x 5.56x45mm STANAG magazine x30 (FULL) 1x suppressor 5.56x45mm 1x reflex sight
  6. TYMON007

    Ban Apology (TYMON007)

  7. TYMON007

    Ban Apology (TYMON007)

    Are you related with the other user? If so how?
  8. TYMON007

    Action Request (they left the game)

    @lordnick or the user named Alex Galler is already banned for something else, however I will extend his ban due to what is shown in the videos attached. The two other players visible in the evidence will be warned, as this is their first offence related to 3.4.
  9. TYMON007

    Action Request (they left the game)

    @lordnick Why didn't you follow orders under gunpoint and tried to flee instead? Can you also contact your friends to add me on steam?
  10. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Add a way to tell if your mic is not outputting.

    The server already sees a similar thing that you are able to see (the dot and brackets overhead while someone is speaking), so i guess it is not that complicated to show a crossed out speaker at the top instead of current one if theres no input at all. I guess this isn't that bad of an idea, as...
  11. TYMON007

    Ban Apology (TYMON007)

    For future, you need to wait a little bit more before you decide to make an apology, don't do that immediately after you get banned. In this case, I believe it will be better if you just wait out the 24hours. I don't know what the police said, but you clearly, under gunpoint, decided to store a...
  12. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion When a person dies from an explosion there shouldn't be DNA.
  13. TYMON007

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    To me the only issue with this is that I will probably never ticket someone 5y5k right away if he punched someone. But with 9.1 it almost never ends on punching somoene once. The suspect will get a ticket, be let go and do the same thing on and on, and if I see him punching someone once for the...
  14. TYMON007

    Refund Request (DanielRabbit)

    -ish You will be refunded: 1x Desert Eagle 1x Pistol reddot 1x 12.7x33 suppressor 1x 12.7x33 mag (Desert Eagle) with 5 bullets The other gun (the beretta) was not really yours at that moment, as you did not manage to pick it up or store it. Same goes for the other Glock 20.
  15. TYMON007

    Refund Request (DanielRabbit)

    I can authorize a refund for: 1x Desert Eagle 1x Pistol reddot 1x 12.7x33 suppressor 1x 12.7x33 mag (Desert Eagle) with 5 bullets As that was lost due to actions from an AR I handled. From what I can see Alannah Eliotts didnt kill you once. You were killed once by the other player - Callum...