Recent content by Vincenzo

  1. Vincenzo

    -The Royals Reloaded- Now Hiring

    Steam name - Vincere Steam profile link - Ingame name - Vincenzo Natoli TIme played - 1 Month, 2 Days VIP? - Not at this time How much do you play in a week - When I get home from school, usually around 16:00-17:00 Why do you want to join - I'm on the hunt to...
  2. Vincenzo

    Hey everyone

    I've had a few, last were Akachi Jamalkins
  3. Vincenzo

    Hey everyone

    Had a flashback to some great perp moments, and had to make a return after what, 2 years? Hope to meet both new and old friends on the server, happy christmas!
  4. Vincenzo

    Events / Festivals 2019

    Yeah, either then or Winter 2019. I don't think I'll bring the computer, instead just watch the tournament as you said!
  5. Vincenzo

    Events / Festivals 2019

  6. Vincenzo

    Hey everyone

    Thank you so much! :)
  7. Vincenzo

    Hey everyone

    I've been gone for awhile now, but I suddenly felt the urge to play some PERP, so I'll try to log on when I have the free time to do so. It's been a long time since so I hope that I'll meet you old friends on the server. <3 Also, I love the new smash, so if you are interested in dueling just...
  8. Vincenzo

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: Venzy -Age (OOC): 14 -Are YOU Active?: I've been on a break and would like to return, problem is that i got noone to hang around with. -Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53215211 -Total playtime: 1 Month, 1 Day. -Are you a VIP: Not at the time. (IC Questions) -Ingame...
  9. Vincenzo

    It's been fun :)

    Dude just give BRIS a call and tell them that you are bullied. You won't have to go to school anymore :P
  10. Vincenzo

    Limhamns Län Application

    ooc Steam name: Venzy From: Ståkhålm Age: 16 Playtime: 1 and a half month IC Name: Akachi Jamallkins Firearms: 53 Car: BMW M6 Money: A mil Nummber: 76165514 Marksman (subs, rifle, pistol, shotgun): All around 60 What you can bring to the org: Är en trogen följare av knugen Additional Comments...
  11. Vincenzo

    Computer Issues

    I'll try it out and return with an answer, thanks for all of you replying so fast <33
  12. Vincenzo

    Computer Issues

    I ran Heaven Benchmark with the highest possible graphics and had a solid 100 fps with 50 degrees celsius on my GPU, this is what my other temps looked like
  13. Vincenzo

    Computer Issues

    I'm not really into computer things except gaming, so i don't really know what i am supposed to look at.
  14. Vincenzo

    What are your favorite steam games and worse? (here are some of mine)

    Rocket League was very fun when i used to play it with my friends back when it released.
  15. Vincenzo

    Computer Issues

    Around a week ago i decided to have a little lan party with my fellow friends, and moved over my computer to my friends house. Around halfway into the gaming session, i noticed that my computer had gotten really slow (Google took ages to load up and i had major fps drops on games). I played the...