Events / Festivals 2019

You should go to neversea if you like electronic/minimal music. T
he artist lineup isn't out...yet... but I still have the lineup from last year, so there it is:
(Click to enlarge)


If you do travel all the way to Romania, message me. I'd love to meet another Brit (been to London once, befriended a bar owner and had a nice afternoon with him and his colleagues)
I might be signing up as a first responder once more (had a helluva lot of fun out there last year, even if I was on "the other side". There are some things I'll never forget (such as riding the tracked rescue vehicle or just saying bad jokes at 3am with my colleagues). My friends (regular civvies) enjoyed the show, so I think you should give it a try. The price for a full, 4 day ticket is usually ~400-500 RON (roughly 100EUR).
I’ll probably go gamescom as a present for myself for finishing year 11 and GCSE’s, would like to go with other people besides myself too haha
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Well nar, none of my friends really want to go to gamescom and want to do other things.