Recent content by xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

  1. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Rust or Ark?

    I would go ark me and my friends have lots of dinos on our server and its so fun to go kill animals and go cave raiding on saber or haul people / materials around the island on our hawkes Hell if you look in my signature there is a trex with glasses just one of the many things you can do
  2. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Sick of the corruption and rule breaking.

    Sadly everything some of what people said is true that this server is the best i have seen. The thing that ruins it is the community. # I didn't like @EVIL but it is true what he said. and also the fact that staff deem there insults as banter even though the person who it was aimed at is...
  3. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    What you guys think about school??

    Im fine with school but i hate the things you don't need to learn. As @Senlin said you wonder why you need to learn something then you ask why then he says some job you don't wanna do when your older i mean i don't wanna be a builder. Another thing was when my spanish/french teacher said you...
  4. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    You are the final boss of a game. What is your musical accompaniment?

    Leel Or Of course the guy who is fighting me is North Korean
  5. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    M&B - Napoleonic Wars - Perpheads Regiment Of Foot.

    i Used to be in a fully fledged regiment the nr7 i was a grefiter we use to do proper trench/line battle against other human regiments. We use to all get in a line and do charges and proper line shooting. we also did training were we learned to become good at combat. But i presume this is a...
  6. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Fallout 4 gameplay :D

    Im wanking to this shit
  7. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx


    How to join?? M9
  8. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Updating vehicles

    Bmw m3 e92 It's a bmw with a v8 engine and it doesn't feel right its too slow i mean the Mitsubishi evo X is better and that costs 400k less For IRL reference i mean im fine that its a gas guzzler because its a v8 but the acceleration and speed is just bad for what the car actually has...
  9. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Remington 870 vs Benelli M3 Super 90

    I remember when me @Stomper And @Niko always went around bangin people with Remington's during the cuerobandidos its all we used And when was the Remington buffed exactly i mean i love that thing
  10. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    i've whacted k-on

    i've whacted k-on
  11. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx


  12. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Thank you all!

    Well it sorta helps that english i presume is easy for other people. I mean try see me speak french because at are school we learn spanish and french when i sit in the french class i get muddled up 99.9% of the time
  13. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    The Adheriall Family Applications

    APPLICATION: OOC Information: Name: Buster McGovern ( Its my real name btw im not a DOG) Age:14 Country (where you live/come from):UK Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone):Gmt School days 3:40-8:45 all day on week days IC Information: Name: Misha Gopachev Age: 29...
  14. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    The Soviet Brotherhood

    Disbanded Lmao this clearly aint gonna work