The Adheriall Family Applications

Reaction score

"The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved."
-Samuel Smiles

Just so that it is clear to all of those who are looking to apply to become a Delegate of our family, we do not base our decision upon your application primarily. All of what is shown below is taken into an account to whether or not you will be accepted:

  • Whether or not you have a decent reputation within the criminal world.
  • Whether or not you have had troubles with our family or allied organizations/families.
  • Whether or not you are able to purchase items predominantly by yourself.
  • Whether or not you have a relatively good vehicle (better than a Mini Cooper 1969).
  • Whether or not you have been in other families/organizations in the past.
  • Whether or not you have helped our family in the past.
  • Whether or not you are old enough (or mature enough).

OOC Information:


Country (where you live/come from):

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone):

IC Information:


Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in):

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10):

Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills):

Why you are looking to become a part of the family (paragraph):

What you can bring to help the family (paragraph):

Adding more to your application will send a better image across to us, increasing your chances of being accepted.

Best of luck applicants,​

OOC Information

Name: Nawaf Almalki

Age: 16

Country (where you live/come from): Saudi Arabia

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone):
I'm always online, My time zone is UTC/GMT +3

IC Information:

Name: William Snow

Age: 29

Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in): Voltiac, Armenian Mafia, The Whisperers

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10): Shooting 9/10, Driving 9/10, Leadership 7/10, Supplying, 10/10.

Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills): Lockpicking 7/8, Crafting 8/8, Firearm level 21/100 (I can craft Mac -11 or m1911a1)

Why you are looking to become a part of the family (paragraph): I Wanted to be in a family so i can feel safe, So we can create a big family! So we can protect each other, And mostly, make money, i want to make a family with honor, strength, Loyalty, I've helped, I remember when i have robbed the bank with Zack adheriall, Good Ol' Times.

What you can bring to help the family (paragraph): Loyalty, Supplies ( includes Guns, Ammo, Etc-...) Honor, Respect, Defending, Helping in everything.
OOC Information:

Name: Buster McGovern ( Its my real name btw im not a DOG)


Country (where you live/come from):UK

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone):
Gmt School days 3:40-8:45 all day on week days

IC Information:
Name: Misha Gopachev

Age: 29

Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in): Soviet brotherhood ( not worth taking that one into acount) Ayran brotherhood ,504 gotti boyz, Cuero bandidos, ( there are more i cant remember though)

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10): Shooting 7/10 driving 7/10 ( my speech skill is lvl 80 so i can get really good deals from the kajiht caravan Jk)

Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills): lockpicking 6/firearms 54/crafting

Why you are looking to become a part of the family (paragraph):Im looking to join this family because im looking for someone to share my loyalty with and i dont know were to go to be 100% honest so i came here a rather small org to help out i mean i have nothing better to do and i like orgs with only a couple of people to start of with because it means we can bond and become friends. Another reason i want to join is because i wanna have a nice experience doing what i do best (crime)

What you can bring to help the family (paragraph):A loyal member/guns/a nice car/some cash/ammo and one extra man to do your evil bidding
Name: DaNiElStUaRt ([PH] Daniel)

Age: 14

Country (where you live/come from): Scotland

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone):
Usually around 4 o'clock (GBT) and for a fairly long time, sometimes all day.

IC Information:
Name: Daniel Stuart


Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in):The Alberghini Family

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10):
Driving: 8/10
Shooting: 6/10
Negotiation: 7/10

Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills):
Stamina: 8/8
Crafting: 7
Swimming: 1
Driving: 7
First Aid: 3
Hardiness: 1
Lock Picking: 1
Unarmed Combat: 2
Pistol Mark.: 2
Sub Mark: 2
Shotgun Mark: 1

Rifle Mark: 2
Wood Working: 1
Firearms: 3
Why you are looking to become a part of the family (paragraph):I need a group and friends to roll with to grow in paralake city and gain respect, and people to help me out. I'd like to be more social and help my friends in life.

What you can bring to help the family (paragraph): I can bring a trustworthy individual who is able to handle most situations well and help out everyone else before myself. I would never release information, no matter what the circumstances, and would respect the whole family.
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Age: 14

Country (where you live/come from): UK

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone): As long as I want

IC Information:
Name: Tadgee Rankin

Age: 16

Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in): Paralake Mafia

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10):
Driving - 6
Shooting - 7-8

Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills):
Lockpicking: 2
Firearms skills: 4
Thats all I remember im banned right now
Why you are looking to become a part of the family:
I am looking to become a part of the family to have people to base with and have fun with. I have noone to base with really and i want to make lots of money and be famous ic. I did make a mistake of getting banned but i have read the rules a few times now and im waiting for my ban to run out.
What you can bring to help the family (paragraph):
I will bring to the family guns and extra support for raiding/defending. I am pretty good at basing on my own its just really boring and also I can be a taxi driver for the family. I can also supply ammo etc and bandage people.
OOC Information:
Name: Torvald

Age: 13

Country (where you live/come from): Norway

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone): Tbh I've more or less quit the server, but I can guarantee that if I get accepted to any org I will become more active. Playing alone just ain't fun, you know.​

IC Information:
Name: Yusuf Takbir


Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in):
Armenian Mafia, Royal British mafia, (leaders are now in the Belinsky's, I believe I am decent friends with them) Men in Blood

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10):
Driving 4/10. Not used to the cars in gmod anymore :p
Shooting: 7/10, especially when defending. more like a 5/10 when attacking, because of positions etc.
Loyality 10/10
Friendlyness 7/10, depends on my mood.
Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills):
Lockpicking 7/8
First aid 3/8
Woodwork 6/8
Driving 6/8
Stamina 8/8
Unarmed combat 4/8
Swimming 2/8
Crafting 8/8
Firearms level 34/100
^^Those are all the important ones^^​

If this gets denied I will put on the extended bit and see if I can be accepted then.
OOC Information:
Name: Krzeszny

Age: 19

Country (where you live/come from):

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone):
4 hours at evenings, a lot more on weekends. (2,5 weeks playtime)​

IC Information:
Name: Charles Fox


Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in):
White Feather Mafia, Paralake Drug Cartel, The Paralake Partnership, Crescendo, The Outlaws and a few more.

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10):

Driving 10/10
Shooting 6/10
Building 7/10
Tactics 9/10

Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills):

Stamina 8, Crafting 8, Driving 8, First Aid 4, Lock Picking 3, Wood Working 3, Firearms 31​
Why you are looking to become a part of the family (paragraph):
I'm looking for a powerful organization which won't be disbanded after a week like most usual gangs. I want to have fun, grow some drugs, build bases, run from cops, work in a team and talk with people.
What you can bring to help the family (paragraph):
I'll help you build and think of good tactics. I'm very loyal and would never leak any information to the police. I'm an amazing driver. I can help you get away from cops. I also have about $2,5 million on my bank account, so I could get some guns and supplies for you. I also value teamwork, know how to react in certain situations and like helping people.​
Name: Nicklas

Age: 14

Country (where you live/come from): Norway And Little bit from thailand

Availability (how long/when you can come online and timezone): I can come on the server when ever i want if i am not on school or doing something Special.

IC Information:
Stevo Cobra

Age: 26

Experience (what other families/organizations you have been in): The Outlaws

Personal skills (driving, shooting, etc - use ratings if necessary out of 10): Shooting 9/10. Driving 8/10. Raid 9/10. building 5/10

Skills (firearm skills, lockpicking skills, etc - to find this press F1 and go to skills): Firearm 2/100. swiming 1/8. crafting 6/8. stamina 8/8. firstaid 2/8. hardiness 1/8. lockpicking 1/8. unarmedcombat 2/8. driving 8/8
Why you are looking to become a part of the family (paragraph):
Because I like to be in one org is active to I'll be with and do illegal things for examples to create drugs and Raid and stuff and I hope we can have fun and other things I will only join a good org...

What you can bring to help the family (paragraph): I may bring loyalty and be kind to other people too, I can help others in need too, I can help people to raid also I'd like to do something for all of you to have fun and be happy too, I hjelped people before the PH also I'd like to help you in Org I will do the best I can get you.

I am bad At writing But pls dont Dislike My post
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-Applications Closed-

Due to the family reaching it's limit in members (currently set at 12), applications will no longer be judged and will most likely be ignored.