Ban Apology (Ellie)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: SirColonelLongnuts
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Harvey
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73706392

Why were you punished?: Racism

Why should this appeal be considered?: Let me start with the fact I have been a part of this community for 8 years, I have played on and off before the reset in 2016-17? I have been banned for blatantly violating the server's policy on racism... I openly used a racist slur and then ceased when directed too by staff.

Additional Information: I completely agree with being punished for violation of the server's policies... However I do believe adjusting my ban too being permanent despite my active participation in creating enjoyable roleplay for others is wrongful... I have earned 4 warnings in my entire 7+ years of membership... I do have an intention too RP and love being a-part of this community.. I would hate too be disbarred from it being known as a hateful racist...
I would like too apologize too anyone who took offense too my actions, I was not attempting too be hateful or condemning of you... I have had a lot going on in my life that I believe has influenced this... I am a friend of everyone and anyone and I hate no-one... I don't believe I deserve too never play again...
I also would like too apologize to Ellie who issued the ban, I have met her several times before and she has been nothing but lovely to me.. I'm very sorry you had too see me in this state of discourse... Whatever you all decide thank you for all the memories...
Thank you all for years of fun, I will remember you all if this is my end... I'm not alting or coming back if they dont want me too. Big thanks too the org for everything. Love ya'll!

You were banned earlier today, if you want your apology to be considered please wait a significant time before appealing again. You also seem to dispute the length of the punishment issued and not the actions done by you, if this is the case you should create a staff complaint.