Server Suggestion Org Salaries

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Suggestion Title: Org Salaries
Suggestion Description: Being able to assign a salary for ranks in the org. You will be able to choose to give a certain rank in the org a salary that will come from the org bank and the ability to get in and of duty under a rank, so let's say my rank is "Delivery guy" I can be choose to be on duty or off duty and it will change if I'll get a salary or not. Salary tax will be on the salary but only a tiny portion, so like that the tax salary will be balanced, let's say that the salary tax on orgs is 5% of the salary tax on civilizations. So let's say that the tax on civs is 25% you'll only pay 5% of the 25%.

Why should this be added?:
- gives a whole new ability to orgs, being actually able to build a company from within the org. Also making people pay salary tax.

What negatives could this have?:
- none. It's optional and can be set to be balanced like I said.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: - now we will have the ability to split the money wisely or even build a company. I need it desperately it solves a problem we wouldn't be able to solve otherwise.
let's say that the salary tax on orgs is 5% of the salary tax on civilizations. So let's say that the tax on civs is 25% you'll only pay 5% of the 25%.

You forgot:
What negatives could this have?:
- org leader not being able to supervise this when not online to see if someone is doing work their or not, as a result, this becomes a high risk system and ends up not being utilized

I need it desperately it solves a problem we wouldn't be able to solve otherwise.
Sounds narcissistic I haven't really ever heard about this desperate problem being 4 years in the community
I don't really see the need for this. As the other community member mentioned, I've also not seen anyone requesting this or talking about wishing this was a feature. It's also something you could easily arrange yourself via a spreadsheet and just asking people to tell you what they did and how long they did it for.
organisations are typically illegal orgs and this seems more like a legal thing, and i don’t think this is needed at all, you could easily offer a set amount to org members for doing set jobs for you instead
Umm.... Yeah to be honest I wish there would be a possibility to make a company which is more like a running business... It's optional I don't understand the antigonism.. so you didn't liked the idea so what? I love working with money and with people and I have an org... And I wish I could let them on a role that will give them salary off of what the org makes from sales, it is such a headache to decide how much I should pay each and everyone, and making it with apps outside the it's also tedious. And then no one is wanting to work with this. But yes I try to run an org, like you would run a company. Making balanced money with spread sheets and everything... So far it is doing very well I was able to grow significantly in a short while, but to automate things and be fair, making formalities and bounderies of one self like a salary meter (like the mayor has). Fair on all sides, people that are not loners could get a job.

You are the owner of the org! And you can put staff under you...! And workers under them! Like in real life this is how you do it. It's not a high risk, just put the right people on the right jobs... And make work hours the proper time. I don't understand all the negativity guys.
Oh and it's the same thing in real life, if you see a person not logging off to get more money what are you doing...? That is right you fire em' easy. Businesses are built on trust.

Second thing. This idea It's optional in orgs.... Don't use it if you don't need it.
And by the way ppl did told me that they also wanted that. They just didn't commented it here. Don't forget I am lot of the time ending as mayor, and I work with balancing salaries a lot. And what can I say it's fun and fulfilling to see your budget grow but people are happy about the taxes and how you treat them. I... Just wished.. you know.. that I can apply it here.
Or you can just send your org members money to do the tasks you want them to? i dont think alot of people play perp to roleplay a 9-5 delivery/methcooker.
Or you can just send your org members money to do the tasks you want them to? i dont think alot of people play perp to roleplay a 9-5 delivery/methcooker.
This ^

Nothing is stopping you from getting Names and Bank Numbers in the F3 description menu and then manually having someone in a higher position pay out of the org account, everything listed in the suggestion should be possible manually via the F3 permissions and description menus (I'm not sure about the taxes thing because I had an aneurysm trying to understand it). Pretty sure at some point @Bojing was doing something similar by paying out wages through the org account to his Hoodrats Armoury Slaves.
I do to... I would like it automated and easy to use... And I would like my crew to get paid by time not by task... Simple reason? Giving ppl a base salary before bonuses and then giving them the bonus on the side based on their speed. I had two guys I worked with that loved the idea. Hey salary was invented to protect the poor not the rich. I want to be a kind boss not a GodFather LMFAO! I and my gang do illegal stuff. Doesn't mean my gang don't do legal stuff too... Like selling fish. LMFAO. Watched Braking Bad? Most of em have both a legal business and illegal one. And most of them pay in salaries. I can do the same I just ask for it to be more automated and realistic that's all ; * mua!
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why would a organisation pay taxes, the whole point of a org, is for criminality, not tax paying.
and me personaly wouldnt see this get used ever. like people have meantioned is you would be better off getting paid for tasks, although you can do that via bank transfer.

On dismissiveness towards the idea:
It seems that many people are rating this suggestion negatively because they feel it’s “easy to handle payments manually”. However this doesn’t take away the merit of introducing a system that simplifies the process. Convenience and efficiency are something we always strive for, even if the current workaround of doing everything individually is manageable for some.
Additionally, it feels like some of the negative reactions comes from the fact that this system does not serve your personal needs but that shouldn’t be the sole reason you disagree.

On the nature of organizations:
It's really not true that organizations are made for criminality, an organization is simply a group of people united for a purpose it’s entirely up to members how they choose to operate. A salary system could benefit to all types of organizations.

On implementation:
Implementing such a system would require careful thought to ensure fairness and simplicity. I think this is a cool idea. If executed well, it could drastically improve the qol of running an organization that does something other than shooting.
Just use Excel? Get members to "clock in" have their information in the spreadsheet like banknumbers and Just fill in when you have to do payments?
why would a organisation pay taxes, the whole point of a org, is for criminality, not tax paying.
and me personaly wouldnt see this get used ever. like people have meantioned is you would be better off getting paid for tasks, although you can do that via bank transfer.
now lets think outside of the box, as all good products start as an idea and you build off of it, currently the only reason of an organisation is for criminality and zerg shootouts, think bigger what COULD it be.

I don't know why this is getting such a negative rating, besides the clear bad English this idea does inherit a new future for organisations and as @Ella Eth is trying to say make business'... Sheep mentality is crazy and this is a clear depiction

I think this could be simple but big improvement to organisations and off of this build what IRL organisations become, multi million dollar corporations not primarily concerned on their hour raid timer and run by a monkey with a big inventory.
now lets think outside of the box, as all good products start as an idea and you build off of it, currently the only reason of an organisation is for criminality and zerg shootouts, think bigger what COULD it be.

I don't know why this is getting such a negative rating, besides the clear bad English this idea does inherit a new future for organisations and as @Ella Eth is trying to say make business'... Sheep mentality is crazy and this is a clear depiction

I think this could be simple but big improvement to organisations and off of this build what IRL organisations become, multi million dollar corporations not primarily concerned on their hour raid timer and run by a monkey with a big inventory.
I like the concept of being able to have big “corporations”… however I just can’t think of anything that they would be founded on.

Vaultcorp already occupies the gun space and that is really the only industry. It would just be groups focusing on selling guns and there’s nothing to stop a Org from doing so already.

I like the concept of being able to have big “corporations”… however I just can’t think of anything that they would be founded on.

Vaultcorp already occupies the gun space and that is really the only industry. It would just be groups focusing on selling guns and there’s nothing to stop a Org from doing so already.
more gun orgs, crafting orgs, money loaning, storage facilities, gunmen
more gun orgs, crafting orgs, money loaning, storage facilities, gunmen
I wish it was viable but I really don’t think the business model would be able to support a sizable org.

Besides the first two… which Vaultcorp has a monopoly on.

Edit: Although I did like the car rental business
I wish it was viable but I really don’t think the business model would be able to support a sizable org.

Besides the first two… which Vaultcorp has a monopoly on.

Edit: Although I did like the car rental business
okay vault corp have a monopoly on but with systems like this newer organisations can try and breach into the industries who knows!
I do to... I would like it automated and easy to use... And I would like my crew to get paid by time not by task... Simple reason? Giving ppl a base salary before bonuses and then giving them the bonus on the side based on their speed. I had two guys I worked with that loved the idea. Hey salary was invented to protect the poor not the rich. So stfu all of you rich folks! I want to be a kind boss not a GodFather LMFAO! I and my gang do illegal stuff. Doesn't mean my gang don't do legal stuff too... Like selling fish. LMFAO. Watched Braking Bad? Most of em have both a legal business and illegal one. And most of them pay in salaries. So stfu. I can do the same I just ask for it to be more automated and realistic that's all ; * mua!
The idea that you are describing just sounds extremely convoluted and as you admitted earlier, more like a business.

There are many things that your idea/system would need to consider to even work:

- You can't just have a custom 'salary tax' for certain people. Tax works by taking off a percentage of the money that is being made. This generally means having a declared amount of money made - you don't pay tax for undeclared money, which is typically your illegal money.

- Differentiation of money, declared money would need to be money that is made through legal means. If you lump it all into just the Org Bank, the banking system as it works currently is unable to differentiate between this money and money obtained through illegal means.

- Rule/duty enforcement. There are god knows how many organisations on the server, there are many rules in place that protect roleplay that are specifically enforced towards players employed under a career. Would this apply to “salaried” org members, would this not?

- Finite income source, considering all of the above and the fact that your income is not infinite unlike the careers, this would require a level of monitoring to ensure fairness. You mentioned an example of being a delivery driver for the org, what would stop someone from getting “on duty” and them just idling or not doing the “assigned” task.

- Currently the downside of salaried employees is that they cannot do anything illegal or outside of their job to make money. Creating a base-line salary system could potentially tip the scales of income that makes careers not lucrative enough, which would have an overall negative effect. I don't find issue with the organisations that currently do work on a salary basis because these organisations are rare, require a lot of effort and are typically very unique in their nature which makes for a cool experience.

Also, it seems like you are fairly new but PH economy is extremely inflated and making money as it is, is easier than harder. Most of the activities that one can do as an organisation/in an organisation, already make money by themselves.

okay vault corp have a monopoly on but with systems like this newer organisations can try and breach into the industries who knows!

VaultCorp is the dominant organisation for this type of stuff because they have put the effort into having a system that works the way it does. Organisations that go the extra mile to be a certain type of organisation will always stand out but it's not a new concept - before this, we had WayPo. There is not that much that is stopping others from building up an organisation to be on that level other than the people's own commitment to achieving that.

The beauty of the organisation system with the way it works, is that people have the ultimate freedom to be whatever organisation they want. If people want to give salaries, there is nothing stopping the Org Leader from doing so, but it requires the extra effort to have that piece of roleplay. I don't see the dumbing down of people's efforts of having cool organisations that function differently from others into an automated system as an overall positive and there are a lot more things to consider than simply a 'salary system' because of the wide-spread effect this could have on the rules, career incentives and etc.
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