Blacklist Apology (phoondos)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Blacklist
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: Krecik
Your Roleplay Name: Kue xhang
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:92318743

Why were you punished?: i called him a dumbass for calling me broke [OOC] [New] deuce: i fucked yo bitch This property is not available. Try again in a couple of minutes. [OOC] Nova: Tell your mom I said I miss her [OOC] [New] deuce: my bad twin [OOC] [New] deuce: i will You have 14 global OOC messages left for another 30:00 [OOC] [New] Krecik: clearly deuce doesnt own a air fryer [Help] Ligma: where is puffer street again [Broadcast] City Hall: [Broadcast] Changes have been made to the city, you can see them in the City Info app on your phone. You have earned $5 - $0 (25% income tax) from your unemployment check has been deposited into your bank account. [OOC] [New] deuce: clearly krecik is fat asf This property is not available. Try again in a couple of minutes. [Help] fokus_rado08: its the one next subs fredyes subs 3 etc You have 13 global OOC messages left for another 29:16 [OOC] [New] Krecik: got that wrong love [Help] Ligma: ok ty [Help] fokus_rado08: behind subs 4 and 8 [OOC] [New] deuce: dont call me love when you're a dude [OOC] [New] deuce: mad sus fr [OOC] BreakingBadder05: I Love Femboys [OOC] Nova: Same [OOC] [New] deuce: this server is cursed [OOC] Announcement: If you are new to the server, or need any help, feel free to type in /help or press F6 to make a report! [Broadcast] City Hall: [Broadcast] Changes have been made to the city, you can see them in the City Info app on your phone. You have earned $5 - $0 (27% income tax) from your unemployment check has been deposited into your bank account. You have 12 global OOC messages left for another 28:39 [OOC] [New] Krecik: leave then [OOC] [New] deuce: sever is fucking cursed You have 11 global OOC messages left for another 28:24 [OOC] [New] Krecik: then leave Failed to load sound "vehicles\tdmcars\slsamg\engineoff.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository [OOC] PandaWarrior: why is it cursed [OOC] [New] deuce: bro you're broke dont talk to me [OOC] Lil' Freakoff: bro whatever police left those barricades at projex i hate you You have 10 global OOC messages left for another 28:01 [OOC] [New] Krecik: im not broke fucking dumbass

Why should this appeal be considered?: i personally think i only defended myself from the broke insult and i only made a joke about air fryers cuz they are superior to every fryer there is so he he says the fat thing im not even fat like bro that shit actually offended me im just ,,big boned" also when he was having beef with a other guy no mod said nun
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