Perpheads Forums

John Daymon
John Daymon
The Sgt job is great! Thanks for releasing this so early
Always more to be done, from what I heard so far it has been a valuable addition to the police force.
John Daymon
John Daymon
Yes, this has done a lot. Played for about 2 hours with some officers as Sgt last night, the roleplay has been changed which is a really good thing. I was thinking maybe to have control over warnings and such making a f3 menu for Sgt? Thoughts on it?
No idea what it is that you want then, if you need to issue an officer a warning you should confer with the lieutenant in private. There is one thing I know I need to add to F3 though.
John Daymon
John Daymon
What I was thinking was having a little tab where the LT can add up a warning, because yesterday we had a situation where we gave a SWAT officer 2 warnings, however the LT thought we gave him 1. With this tab I was thinking it will make that job easier. Not sure though
Notepad app on phone ftw