matt Aug 27, 2016 that @Creepis admin is a real cunt, lets ban him already. lmao jk dont extend my ban creepy pls
John Daymon Aug 27, 2016 Got a tip; punch yourself when you give a shit about what People say, worked for me
KeiwaM Aug 27, 2016 Some people are real dicks. Ignore them dude. Sorry that you had a bad day and I'm sorry that you had to experience this. It's been disgusting behaviour from some members.
Some people are real dicks. Ignore them dude. Sorry that you had a bad day and I'm sorry that you had to experience this. It's been disgusting behaviour from some members.
Smeris Aug 27, 2016 Don't leave man, i understand what you mean, some people are just cunts, if you wanna talk hit me up on steam
Don't leave man, i understand what you mean, some people are just cunts, if you wanna talk hit me up on steam