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  1. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    [SOLVED] Cop dodge charger bugged

    So the cop dodge charger is messed up, it just happended randomly. This is what it looks like Any fixes?
  2. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  3. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    When people are scared

    Sorry for the static or bad quality, just found this from earlier today xD
  4. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    I like to flush on a toilet everyday, i like to flush a toilet

    I like to flush on a toilet everyday, i like to flush a toilet
  5. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Addition to 3.5

    So last time you made a checkpoint that I was next to, you got me, and yourself killed. This will just ruin fun and people will lose a lot of money because they have fast cars and can speed hitting your car so they have to repair it. The map is to small to try place one, and Leo's will find a...
  6. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Addition to 12.4 Parking

    I support this so much, it is a massive problem and people abuse this system. maybe adding in something about disabled parking spots? because people try do the same thing with that.
  7. [BSRP]QualityLolz


    Welcome to the community. Make sure you read the rules. I hope you have a fun time, if you have any questions, just pm me!
  8. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Revoke permissions for players so they can no longer /act airhump - The suggestion

    I do agree with this, people can ruin some rp moments with this, ruining the point of serious rp. I think staff should be able to have it like every other one. When it was removed more serious rp was back in, but when it was added it messed it up again +Support
  9. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    I had a talk with creepis, we have got it over but the impact of when I said about why I would...

    I had a talk with creepis, we have got it over but the impact of when I said about why I would leave was much more than I thought. I told creepis the rest of the story
  10. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    I was thinking about taking a small break but since that hate I got on that post, Imma take a...

    I was thinking about taking a small break but since that hate I got on that post, Imma take a longer one, thanks though :)
  11. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    I will just wait for the hatewaggon to come ..

    I will just wait for the hatewaggon to come ..
  12. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Bye.... I am going somewhere better

    Note: Due to people not knowing anything I have. stop judgeing me. Thanks...
  13. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Bye.... I am going somewhere better

    Today, I was told to shut the fuck up from a swat officer ben walker, put inside my own room. It anyoyed me but I carried on, however. the admin creepis told me once I come a medic with no clue to "shut the fuck up you fucking cunt". to know it was a admin made me real annoyed, i physicly had a...
  14. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Good bye , Forever

    I just checked and your not saying goodbye, your trying to ban evade.
  15. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Good bye , Forever

    I Mean after yesterday I can see why that ban happened. Have fun doing whatever ur doing.
  16. [BSRP]QualityLolz


    See you when you can, where will be the police tv now?
  17. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    oh lol

    oh lol
  18. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    it looks like its licking the cam

    it looks like its licking the cam
  19. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    oh lol

    oh lol
  20. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    What happened to that cat?

    What happened to that cat?
  21. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Dispatch revive/revamp

    Discussion thread: Main idea: Making dispatch more in depth like the police force(but small and not that much) Description: So I know dispatch is easy to get into, which can result in a lot of dispatchers being not a good dispatch, I...
  22. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Tooter idea!!!

    It Depends on the approach of how this would be made would consider time. Great Idea, we do need tooter revived!
  23. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Joe Baggers

    So I was an officer tonight with this sgt and I was about to arrest someone with a drug addiction, but the sgt gave me a better idea to send him to the hospital for a programe to help him, after it failed and he tried to jump, we took him back to the hospital and gave him some nice drugs to...
  24. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Thomas Fredrick

    Thomas is a great cpl (lucky kid xD) and i think we need more new players to look up to him. Patroling with him is a great thing to do PS:Where is my blowie round the corner? @Thomas Fredrick xD
  25. [BSRP]QualityLolz


    i remember the baby org with him, he has grown up and become a good server moderator (totaly didnt look at his tag to spell it xD) Keep it up Danny!
  26. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Discussion of rule 3.19

    why would you risk a bigger ticket for a small ticket. its like that
  27. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    McDonalds Server

    I would love to beta test so i can mcfallen
  28. [BSRP]QualityLolz


    I playing this game recently and i like it, hope it can become an open world shooter with those 4 factions, that would be sick
  29. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Bye for some time

    So if people that know me have not seen me on perp lately, its because life has been coming into me Recently, My auntie and uncle was diagnosed with cancer, unfortunate to say this is terminal. I felt like playing perp wasnt the best thing to do and i should help. they are going very soon so I...
  30. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    PerpHeads Legacy Server

    I hope this can stay up, or we get are able to find community servers, i love this perp style!