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  1. Dom_

    We'll meet again

    He woke up with a horse head in his bed, clearly a joke buddy
  2. Dom_

    We'll meet again

    No one’s upset bud
  3. Dom_

    We'll meet again

    The traitor has been dealt with accordingly
  4. Dom_

    We'll meet again

    You're next
  5. Dom_

    We'll meet again

    he allegedly used a crosshair, hardly cheating but still disallowed.
  6. Dom_

    We'll meet again

    Some user is right guys, fuck knows who he is, but he right
  7. Dom_

    Theres an imposter amogus

    Theres an imposter amogus
  8. Dom_

    this aged well

    this aged well
  9. Dom_

    Let's talk the recent state of car thefts. [DISCUSSION]

    can't beat em join em
  10. Dom_

    POV: You're a Police Officer in Paralake

  11. Dom_

    I commend A1L

  12. Dom_

    I commend A1L

    Ass licking doesn't work on A1L, maybe buy him a chicken combo from Mcdonalds instead, heard that works best.
  13. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

    Sitting across the road from an active shootout is direct 3.4, being killed for it instead of receiving a ban is very light and calling people an idiot for shooting you for it is pretty rich, and calling me childish in the apology is also just not quite smart...
  14. Dom_

    Community Suggestion Tutorial/Example of how to handle reports/staff sits

    Exactly this, if someone needs to read a guide on how to behave then they should be banned anyway, CYAAA.
  15. Dom_

    Perpheads November mix #1

  16. Dom_

    perpheads fragtage #3

    Lag would've had me fuming
  17. Dom_

    Bonita Back In 16:9 Tage

    someone give this man a config for his FPS. PS. Please lower your sens.
  18. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

    Merry Christmas to you too.
  19. Dom_

    Refund Request (Moon)

    SCAR-L + Compensator + Mag + Red dot Player was warned.
  20. Dom_

    whos actually successful from perp?

    Same, best nandos I've ever had
  21. Dom_

    Refund Request (phoondos)

  22. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom)

  23. Dom_

    Warning Dispute (efan)

    Given the context of the thread, the comment made seemed like a valid addition to the discussion being had, albeit quite a passionate one, it does not seem like any ill intent was behind the comment. Reviewed with @SamSN @A1L @Ellie
  24. Dom_

    Refund Request (v1bes)

    1x AK-47 1xAK-47 Stock 1xAK-47 Mag 1xRifle Compensator 1xACOG Scope REVIEWED WITH fattyboomboom @A1L
  25. Dom_

    perptage 2

    I need this FPS
  26. Dom_

    Thank you for everything!

  27. Dom_

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2023 - Results!

    After 2 long years I'm back, thanks mum.
  28. Dom_

    ikr, getting bored now zzz

    ikr, getting bored now zzz