Community Suggestion Tutorial/Example of how to handle reports/staff sits

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Suggestion Title: Tutorial/Example of how to handle reports/staff sits
Suggestion Description: Since having played 2 short sessions and noticing a ton of NEW players active, I figured it might be beneficial to make a short informative video to possibly help relieve the staff of some annoying sits.

As the title suggests, maybe its a good idea to make a POV video of a regular player of how to proceed when a F6 report is made on him/her.

How to proceed when report is made. Also how to act/what to do when being teleported to a roof with a staff member.

Giving examples of how NOT TO act: like jumping from roof, lying intentionally, insulting/saying slurs or trying to shoot staff or other players involved with report present at the sit.

Also giving examples of how TO act: being polite and honest etc.
Including tips like when getting a notification of an F6 report being opened on you. To first go to a safe place instead of opening the report in the middle of the road when driving. And/or make sure you are not in an active RP situation.

Why should this be added?:
- Could result in shorter sits, therefore making more F6 being handled possible.

- Could provide clarity for NEW players to make them understand what to do with reports and sits.

- Could prevent some annoying encounters for staff.

What negatives could this have?:
- Takes some time and effort to record and edit.

- People not even watching it.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The problem of players of all ages and experience goofing around with reports and during sits. Wasting alot of time.
lying intentionally, insulting/saying slurs
I'm not being funny but a tutorial on how to be a functioning member of society and not an insufferable asswipe is the responsibility of their parents and educators and not the staff team.

The kind of people who'd do any of this shit would never read a guide on how to behave like a normal human being anyway. Perhaps we should also make a tutorial on how to wipe your ass and brush your teeth while we're at it
I'm not being funny but a tutorial on how to be a functioning member of society and not an insufferable asswipe is the responsibility of their parents and educators and not the staff team.

The kind of people who'd do any of this shit would never read a guide on how to behave like a normal human being anyway. Perhaps we should also make a tutorial on how to wipe your ass and brush your teeth while we're at it
True in some sense. They indeed won’t read it. But they might search for some PERP vids on yt or forums and watch it.
I'm not being funny but a tutorial on how to be a functioning member of society and not an insufferable asswipe is the responsibility of their parents and educators and not the staff team.

The kind of people who'd do any of this shit would never read a guide on how to behave like a normal human being anyway. Perhaps we should also make a tutorial on how to wipe your ass and brush your teeth while we're at it

You will not jump off the admin sit roof.
You WILL be providing me your demo.
If somebody can't stay on the roof during a report or something, tell them to fuck off to Monolith or something
If somebody can't stay on the roof during a report or something, tell them to fuck off to Monolith or something

Exactly this, if someone needs to read a guide on how to behave then they should be banned anyway, CYAAA.
Worthwhile comment for a change. Thanks G
Meh I can understand the reception of this suggestion as I don’t think it’s really that necessary but seen as we already have what you’re suggesting I think it would be pretty inoffensive to just rework that one.
Suggestion Title: Tutorial/Example of how to handle reports/staff sits
Suggestion Description: Since having played 2 short sessions and noticing a ton of NEW players active, I figured it might be beneficial to make a short informative video to possibly help relieve the staff of some annoying sits.

As the title suggests, maybe its a good idea to make a POV video of a regular player of how to proceed when a F6 report is made on him/her.

How to proceed when report is made. Also how to act/what to do when being teleported to a roof with a staff member.

Giving examples of how NOT TO act: like jumping from roof, lying intentionally, insulting/saying slurs or trying to shoot staff or other players involved with report present at the sit.

Also giving examples of how TO act: being polite and honest etc.
Including tips like when getting a notification of an F6 report being opened on you. To first go to a safe place instead of opening the report in the middle of the road when driving. And/or make sure you are not in an active RP situation.

Why should this be added?:
- Could result in shorter sits, therefore making more F6 being handled possible.

- Could provide clarity for NEW players to make them understand what to do with reports and sits.

- Could prevent some annoying encounters for staff.

What negatives could this have?:
- Takes some time and effort to record and edit.

- People not even watching it.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The problem of players of all ages and experience goofing around with reports and during sits. Wasting alot of time.
If someone is doing this , they know what they are doing and don’t care

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