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  1. Dom_

    Had to throw in 20 nuggets too ;c

    Had to throw in 20 nuggets too ;c
  2. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Implement a cooldown on respawning the SWAT Van

    With the experienced devs that we have, I don't think this would be too much of an issue. This would hopefully also discourage swat van camping and ensure that it is being used appropriately, recently I've seen far too many TFU just drive straight in with the intention of using it as a weapon...
  3. Dom_

    Should've read this first [IMG]

    Should've read this first
  4. Dom_


  5. Dom_

    whats everyones favorite pie

  6. Dom_

    how much money u gonna give me

    how much money u gonna give me
  7. Dom_

    It'll actually only be round 5

    It'll actually only be round 5
  8. Dom_

    Happy bday shagger

    Happy bday shagger
  9. Dom_

    A (likely expected) goodbye for now

    Still waiting on that PD nerf bud. o7
  10. Dom_

    Rule Suggestion (3.26 /me Function)

    Personally, I think the surrender and zipties work completely fine granted people comply. Doing /me takes equipment and /me takes weapons isn't really much of an inconvenience when it comes to cops, but if it is an issue for you then create some binds as @Sindarin mentioned.
  11. Dom_

    Rule Suggestion (2.5 Excessive Negativity)

    If it's been long enough where you have to question whether they've died or not then you clearly didn't want to kill them bad enough or you would've found them sooner.
  12. Dom_

    Action Request (2017 Dom_)

    I'm not sorry tho.
  13. Dom_

    Action Request (2017 Dom_)

    I shot an SS in PD lobby, thats probably what he meant, and got confused. I said nothing about thinking you were SS. I shot you for standing there in the middle of the PD raid, not leaving and the others telling me they didn't know who you were.
  14. Dom_

    Action Request (2017 Dom_)

    If u watch your video you'll see I said nothing about SS. The person who mentioned SS clearly wasn't me...
  15. Dom_

    Action Request (2017 Dom_)

    I never said I thought u were SS. SS wears a black suit.
  16. Dom_

    Action Request (2017 Dom_)

    I didn't know who u were, no one else said they knew who u were, u get shot for standing around in a PD raid. If u got broken out then not my fault that they said they had no clue who u were. Ur mic is also either very quiet or not working because I didn't hear u say a word.
  17. Dom_

    The D-Day Landings of Slums 4

    God I love watching the NA ping POV
  18. Dom_

    We don't like your kind around here, and by your kind I mean spastic carer dependant cunts. ta ta

    We don't like your kind around here, and by your kind I mean spastic carer dependant cunts. ta ta
  19. Dom_

    Leave then you insufferable cunt

    Leave then you insufferable cunt
  20. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

    Tbf its nothing about the data. I'm not debating that this has been denied before but now that the org nerfs have been added, flashbangs have been buffed, the server is constantly busy and the majority of players are cop mains (not to mention the 100 TFOs the PD now has = 3-5 TFU on duty pretty...
  21. Dom_

    i have no idea how my head was up like that [MEDIA]

    i have no idea how my head was up like that
  22. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

    This is already done by bank robberies not being allowed when there arent enough cops on. 18 is plenty lmao This seems like a skill issue for the officers that were on. PD does not lose most raids at all, maybe you're just on at bad times bc all day today until cop slots went down to about 15...
  23. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

    Yeah I'm not saying 6 is too much but it's definitely too much when accompanied by 18 pistol cops too. Pistols are very under rated and I'd argue that I probably die more to pistol and remi cops than TFU. I'd be happy, and im sure everyone else would be too with EITHER less cop slots and max 6...
  24. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

    The context of the image is @Moon getting rushed because he shot an hk45 at a cop from PD to slums.
  25. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

    Suggestion Title: Reduce max cop slots Suggestion Description: Reduce the maximum cop slots (and scale) to 18 rather than 25 Why should this be added?: - When the server is full and there are 20+ cops on, it doesnt matter how many people you are raiding with, crime is just impossible. -...
  26. Dom_

    Refund Request (Dom_)

    Your Steam Name: Dom_ Your Roleplay Name: Dom Gandhi Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68712767 Reason for Request: The weapon was minge grabbed by a cop during a bank raid which was still on-going and was not clear for confiscation. Requested Items: 1x AS50, ACOG Sight, Full AS50 Mag. Evidence...
  27. Dom_

    happy bday my [redacted]

    happy bday my [redacted]
  28. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Make the bank robbing area smaller.

    My fault guys, this post was likely made due to me (head, eyes)ing Curak today just before he got to the pd parking gate, then doing it again when he got revived. All I can say to this post is even if u do make it smaller, its just gonna happen further through the intersection or further towards...
  29. Dom_

    If it was in my head how did we get here :0

    If it was in my head how did we get here :0
  30. Dom_

    Can confirm, raid timer is NOT a social construct

    Can confirm, raid timer is NOT a social construct