Server Suggestion Make the bank robbing area smaller.

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Suggestion Title: Make the bank robbing area smaller.
Suggestion Description: The area in which bank robbers are allowed should be smaller. As it currently stands, bank robbers can get on top of the fence at Regals and walk far enough to start shooting cops that are still inside the private parking lot, same with the hospital overpass. This creates a huge issue in which the pd can't even leave the parking lot before responding to the bank raid and is way overpowered.

I believe it would be better if bank robbers can no longer cross the regals overpass and be on the hospital overpass at all. The bank raid should be fully limited to the bankside of the city and in game mechanics should prohibit it from getting past the highway.

Why should this be added?:
- Cop should at least be able to leave the private parking lot before getting shot
- currently the shootout takes place in almost the entire city, making city hall parking lot being dangerous as well, loads of impact.

What negatives could this have?:
- balancing issue?

Suggestion Title: Make the bank robbing area smaller.
Suggestion Description: The area in which bank robbers are allowed should be smaller. As it currently stands, bank robbers can get on top of the fence at Regals and walk far enough to start shooting cops that are still inside the private parking lot, same with the hospital overpass. This creates a huge issue in which the pd can't even leave the parking lot before responding to the bank raid and is way overpowered.

I believe it would be better if bank robbers can no longer cross the regals overpass and be on the hospital overpass at all. The bank raid should be fully limited to the bankside of the city and in game mechanics should prohibit it from getting past the highway.

Why should this be added?:
- Cop should at least be able to leave the private parking lot before getting shot
- currently the shootout takes place in almost the entire city, making city hall parking lot being dangerous as well, loads of impact.

What negatives could this have?:
- balancing issue?
As it stands, doing bank for the money is hardly worth it as the payout tends to be 20-40k. That's with other drawbacks:

- being warranted
- having to survive the entire duration
- hiding out long enough to receive the money
- A huge cut-percentage

If you are going to make it harder on top of all the other things, then there needs to be some compensation imo.

I'm still baffled from the time we stole 1.1 million, only for the cut between 3 people to be like 35k lol especially for the time it takes to set up the raid, having to actually steal the money and then survive like 10-15 minutes or however long it is to receive that money. If you nerf bank raids too much, they will just be an unnecessary feature to the game
I was downvoting this until I remembered that the Regals fence is for some reason a zone. I agree with the premise just not Joe explained, I’ll draw a map when I can be arsed on what I think the zone should be.
My fault guys, this post was likely made due to me (head, eyes)ing Curak today just before he got to the pd parking gate, then doing it again when he got revived. All I can say to this post is even if u do make it smaller, its just gonna happen further through the intersection or further towards regals. Unless the bank is moved to another area of the map this will always be an argument.
My fault guys, this post was likely made due to me (head, eyes)ing Curak today just before he got to the pd parking gate, then doing it again when he got revived. All I can say to this post is even if u do make it smaller, its just gonna happen further through the intersection or further towards regals. Unless the bank is moved to another area of the map this will always be an argument.
i have no issue with being shot as soon as i get to the intersection it's something that's bound to happen and can quite easily be avoided by driving some other way and using your brains. It's just very hard to avoid the pd private parking lot if you need a car to respond to a bank raid or need to gear up etc.
100% agree with this. I had multiple robbers yesterday hiding all around regals on top of having to worry about the entire city. PD couldn't even get out of the parking lot without being gunned down. It's kinda absurd
I have no problem with them running over to regals, most bank raids I attend the first thing I do is clear out regals snipers before sniping there myself. If they can tightrope walk down the fence along the side of the parking lot to spawn kill PD then yes, reduce the zone, but don't prohibit sniping from the regals apartments or you'll make it impossible for the raiders.
Im in 2 parts on this:

1. The leaving pd to be sniped sucks, but its a tactical need in some cases- backup being neutralised make work easier
2. The sheer overkill some people do with it to the extent of breaking 2.5 just because someone was driving by at the wrong time or shooting up pd folk who just respawned under nlr.

Leaning towards +1 unless v6 changes bits
Honestly. The solution is to move the bank overall as many have pointed out or the new map gives PD more escape routes out of the PD parking lot such as slums for example.
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