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  1. Dom_

    3up kermit fragger

    3up kermit fragger
  2. Dom_

    Who strikes fear into you and why?

    @TinySlayer This man will go to extreme lengths just to piss me off, made a new rank for me in the past and everything. #fucktinyslayer
  3. Dom_

    Who strikes fear into you and why?

    I'm too nice nowadays :c
  4. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom)

  5. Dom_

    Ban Apology (@Dom_)

  6. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Organisation playercount and alliance limit.

    I believe @Dank already has something like this in the works.
  7. Dom_

    Refund Request (Mina)

  8. Dom_

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    All the funding you need, of course you’re accepted boo
  9. Dom_

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

  10. Dom_

    La Cosa Nostra

    Re-opened again
  11. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dominic_ and Kurze)

  12. Dom_

    Warning Dispute (Ultimate)

    After the initial shootout you should have left the scene immediately, clearing up the bodies is not a priority and you should assume that realistically there would be more police on the way, therefore after already shooting police in the first raid, starting another raid is risking your freedom...
  13. Dom_

    Blacklist Dispute (Ultimate)

  14. Dom_

    Very well mi amigo

    Very well mi amigo
  15. Dom_

    Weekly Arma 3 events

    Never really managed to get on with arma but this looks very promising, I’ll definitely jump on.
  16. Dom_

    Server Suggestion New rule

    As I said above, I could hear you fine I was just stalling waiting for an opportunity to shoot you, I'm done explaining myself and this certainly isn't something I want to continue arguing about so I'll leave it here. I personally see no issue with what I did and as I said getting you to type it...
  17. Dom_

    Server Suggestion New rule

    I didnt communicate this with her at all, I was hoping she'd know what to do considering you were solo and therefore killing you is the best option if the opportunity is given, which it was. As I've stated above, it wasnt my intention to get you typing, I was just waiting for Ellie to move or...
  18. Dom_

    Server Suggestion New rule

    I didn't ask you to type I asked you to spell their names, this wasn't an attempt to get you to type it was me stalling waiting for Ellie to crouch.
  19. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

  20. Dom_

    never x

    never x
  21. Dom_

    IDF on top

    Yes nice tk bozo
  22. Dom_

    IDF on top

    Two toxic shooting montages in one day! OMG I cannot stand for this.
  23. Dom_

    Moon Shooting Montage??

    Another toxic shooting montage, disgusting.
  24. Dom_


    It’s just how he shows affection don’t worry
  25. Dom_


    @A1L got fredy’s approval, need we say much more ?
  26. Dom_

    Staff Island - Episode 4

    The voicemails got me hahahahahhahaha
  27. Dom_

    Server features you (don't) miss

    I dont miss the bulletproof bookshelves and the bomb cannons. I do miss being able to kill people with gardening pots or making a popcorn machine with them.
  28. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Reworking cash registers to double as a shop UI

    This would be cool but then again it could turn most bazaar shops into more NPC type interactions rather than actual players trying to sell their items and bargaining etc. I think its a cool idea that should definitely be looked into, just worried that it'll take away from RP a little in this area.
  29. Dom_

    Staff Island - Episode 3

    @Shay sharmuta benzona *bow*
  30. Dom_

    Final Goodbye

    Hey man, just know that you aren’t alone in feeling this type of way. A good time away from social media and any type of online interaction should do you a world of good, just surround yourself with those who are important to you and your family who cares for you and don’t be afraid to open up...