I miss:
- Guns being cheaper (25k AK101s at bazaar 24/7 pepesad)
- Abusing broken shotgun marksmanship
- 100 marks on Pistol and SMG too (605 sniper)
- M4 being really good and not requiring a compensator
- Suppressed 9MM guns as TFU
- Having head Armour as TFU
- Batons not causing massive bloodsplatters everywhere.
- Evo city
- V2/V3 office
- SG550 being a fucking unit of a gun.
- SWAT Playermodel for TFU
- Mensa Society
- Default grey sweater for new players
- Being able to drive trucks carrying bombs into bases I’m raiding (now the trucks explode and cause fires)
- Old drug pack models (they were more realistically proportioned for their value)
- Pumpkins being rare.
I don’t miss:
- 1.2 allowing people to scream slurs 24/7 when they were upset
- SMG’s having more recoil than 5.56 rifles
- Being up against TFU with Head Armour
- Paralake V4
- Old hospital
- LOOC bind spam on blackscreen
- Pre-Nerf G3A3
- @blackdown
- April fools 2022
- Stoves being IEDs that spawned fire through walls
- 1 bomb taking out every chemical table inside of slums.