Search results

  1. Dank

    Server Suggestion Make killing cops give org xp/leaderboard xp

    This was intentionally done, doubt this will be accepted
  2. Dank

    Staff Dark side

    I’m in your walls
  3. Dank

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2023 - Vote

    just because of the piss badge I shall not vote
  4. Dank

    A (likely expected) goodbye for now

    Hello everyone, I hate writing a lot of shit no one cares about so I’ll keep it short. Yesterday after some careful consideration I have decided to resign from my role as developer. As you all might have noticed my activity had dropped dramatically since I started my new job, so true to my...
  5. Dank

    Ban Dispute (d)

  6. Dank

    Ban Dispute (Admin Meeting)

    Stop your brother from being banned
  7. Dank

    Bug Report (can buy 3 propty)

    This is not a bug, we reduced it
  8. Dank

    Does this mean I die early

    Does this mean I die early
  9. Dank


  10. Dank

    I like your hairstyle

    I like your hairstyle
  11. Dank

    Remaking original trilogy: who would you cast

    Luke Skywalker: Dwayne The Rock Johnson with a wig Han Solo: Vin Diesel Leia: Barack Obama Chewbacca: The little guy from game of thrones Obi Wan: Ewan McGreggor Darth Vader: Stephen Hawking Emperor Palpetine: Ian McDiarmid C3P0: Emma Watson R2-D2: my toaster Lando Clarissan: Harrison Ford Moff...
  12. Dank

  13. Dank


  14. Dank

    Best admin

    I’ll ride his dick any day
  15. Dank

    Best admin

    Whoever does not vote collier is wrong
  16. Dank

    Server Suggestion Give helpers an electric vehicle

    Fuck the helpers
  17. Dank

    Server Suggestion Introduction of a "break" notification

    As I am on holiday I will not be able to implement it right away. But as people say mental health is an issue that we need to pay attention to, this is a very simple implementation of something that will only impact those who want it. I will implement it as such: -F1 setting to enable / disable...
  18. Dank

    Server Suggestion Introduction of a "break" notification

    It is like the demo request notification, so your argument is shit
  19. Dank

    Server Suggestion Dark web app

  20. Dank

    Rule Suggestion (5.5 Robbing the Bank)

    There is a system in place for this
  21. Dank

    Server Suggestion Mod/Admin giving XP back in case of RDM

    We explicitly left this functionality when initially releasing this update. Ofcourse losing a bit of XP is not nice, But if we were to add it it would not be accessable by staff lower then Senior Admin which defeats the point
  22. Dank


    Why does the universe punish us to this degree