Rule Suggestion (5.5 Robbing the Bank)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.5 Robbing the Bank
Suggestion Description: Create a clear distinction/limit for how far someone can be from the bank and still be involved within a bank raid.

Why should this be added?:
Because the current vagueness of the rule leads to situations where the entirety of the city resembles Belfast during the Troubles.

Currently, Office and Reagals can actively be involved in Bank Raids and generally they are. This usually takes the form of constant sniper fire, and gaming of the NLR system to permalock the Police Department from directly intervening in the bank by making it so they cannot leave CH, PD, or Hospital.

By creating a maximum allowed distance for bank raiders we garner the following:
1. Less vagueness in the rules.
2. Far more streamlined bank raids which do not create excess negativity (2.5)
3. Create less situations for crossfire, and therefore inevitable collateral/RDM.

What negatives could this have?:
- Less chances for people with AS50 to get sick no scopes.
The system already kicks you out for straying too far. Upon being kicked out you have “Fled” and no longer can partake. Anyone fleeing this zone and continuing to defend bank from police are breaking the rule as they have fled and can no longer partake.

If this is a problem to you, I suggest instead making a suggestion to reduce the bank robbery zone, but bear in mind the likelihood of that succeeding is slim to none as the zone was only recently enlarged per user request.

In terms of stopping crossfire this wouldn’t change without making the bank robbery zone unnecessarily and unplayable small. In terms of Balance, it’d throw off bank robbers ability to even succeed by giving police a further wide range advantage.
I think that regals and Office should be involved within the bank robbery, as if office is unowned it can be a really good power spot for others, whereas regals can disable a lot of responding officers vehicles, crippling there movement and allowing you to easily funnel majority of the ones who drive straight to the bank(With exeption of the Brute)

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