Search results

  1. Collier

    it's not christmas

  2. Collier

    I am matching with @cummy glizzy gobbler because we're so cute together

    I am matching with @cummy glizzy gobbler because we're so cute together
  3. Collier

    Skin showcase

    There are many, many more (AK101 Asiimov, SCAR-L/M4/m16 Howl, M82 The Prince, L115 Dragon Lore, AK47 The Empress, etc.) but I cba enabling all of those. I am about to go to bed so the images were rushed too, but oh well also shoutout my P99 enjoyer homies
  4. Collier

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    Well this is interesting, the player in the clip was inside Slums and disconnected, then rejoined there... (the player has been contacted)
  5. Collier

    you're a big fat stinking virgin

    you're a big fat stinking virgin
  6. Collier

    Who is your patrol buddy?

    @AwesomeGamersHQ (pls come back), @Megasaw, @Acerius, @torbizzle (forgot to mention you sooner...) there are more, but I couldn't possibly list everyone
  7. Collier

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  8. Collier


  9. Collier

    I swept every game yesterday...

    I swept every game yesterday...
  10. Collier

    M4 Skin

    This is what I do, most of my skins for guns that share mags or suppressors follow the same colour palette, or I just don't skin the mag, or I pick a neutral coloured mag that would fit with them
  11. Collier

    Action Request (Poper)

    To the above, I would also like to add that your lack of information appears to be an intentional attempt to mislead us. You have waited almost a month to report a completely justified killing, it took me no more than 30 seconds to find that you had, in fact, mugged @oldpepito in the forest...
  12. Collier

    image goes kinda hard ngl

    image goes kinda hard ngl
  13. Collier

    Election Season

    The answer might actually surprise you...
  14. Collier

    Admins do not take cheating reports seriously at all and do not look at demos.

    We can not feasibly leave the server and check a demo if we are not convinced the provided evidence warrants further investigation. The clip in question ( is not suspicious. Please understand that you can also go into your demo, enable drive (or use a freecam...
  15. Collier

    My government sees to it that my taxes are spent on things I need to live instead of a military...

    My government sees to it that my taxes are spent on things I need to live instead of a military to police the world. My government ensures that I get paid a fair wage and have access to good and affordable healthcare. My government has not been run by a tyrant since 1945. Can you say the same...
  16. Collier

    did i stutter

    did i stutter
  17. Collier

    @Jack This is your area of expertise, care to weigh in?

    @Jack This is your area of expertise, care to weigh in?
  18. Collier

    Sorry in order to get the guns you have to first worship a symbiotic alien and then defect and...

    Sorry in order to get the guns you have to first worship a symbiotic alien and then defect and call the Americans on your ancient space telephone portal for help
  19. Collier


  20. Collier

    Server Suggestion Allowing radio to be turned down VIA Settings in F1 menu

    The following console commands can be used for this ph_voice_radio_volume_up ph_voice_radio_volume_down
  21. Collier

    Action Request (HHHH)

    You don't need to tag anyone, ARs are usually done whenever any one of us has the time. Sadly I am still without internet currently
  22. Collier

    how much time do i have left on my ban?

    That's why there's an expiry date localized to your time zone on the ban.
  23. Collier

    how much time do i have left on my ban?

    Maybe if you did what the disconnect messages tells you, or pressed the "Bans" button on this website, you'd be able to find out!
  24. Collier

    It's literally just a joint profile picture with my bestest friend in the whole wide world...

    It's literally just a joint profile picture with my bestest friend in the whole wide world @cummy glizzy gobbler
  25. Collier

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Last chance
  26. Collier

    Thank you for everything! Again!

    I'm a Patreon member so I got it early
  27. Collier

    o7 soldier

    o7 soldier
  28. Collier

    Bug Report (it says im banned when im not)

    You're not checking hard enough, click the link Scoot sent you and create a dispute if you disagree with your ban.
  29. Collier


  30. Collier

    someone kill this fucking hater with hammers

    someone kill this fucking hater with hammers