Action Request (Poper)

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Reaction score

Your Steam Name: HjalteSej
Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Asad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:499980582

Player's Steam Name: Poper
Player's Roleplay Name: Doron Akiva
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83426086

Why should this player be punished?: Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all. Player killed me for no reason at all.

Evidence Link:
Hi, this situation is pretty old but he's my org member , he had every reason to kill you since you and your friend mugged me in the forest.
I don't have a clip of the situation but you can watch your demo and check .
If you think he broke a rule why didn't you instantly made a action request?
Why wait a month to do so , I have provided the all situation which shows no rules were broken here .
Instead of spamming that you were killed for no reason, can you actually provide information regarding the incident, such as what had actually happened, why you believe its a rule break, when this had occurred and where.
I just explained everything with clear details the guy is not available in the pc in those days so he won't answer .
My information is more than you need.
When did this take place? You state that it was a long time ago, do you remember roughly when?
This is the questions you should ask the thread maker since for me it's less irrelevant.
But it's an old situation, you can check his demo , he was kos . You see my friend speaking in the phone with me to verify.

It has been more then 21 days since this incident took place, as such this will not be investigated into, quoting the Action Request requirements.

"You are expected to make your action request within 21 days of the incident you are reporting, failure to do so may result in no action taken and be not eligible to make any refund requests.
Reviewed with @Collier
To the above, I would also like to add that your lack of information appears to be an intentional attempt to mislead us. You have waited almost a month to report a completely justified killing, it took me no more than 30 seconds to find that you had, in fact, mugged @oldpepito in the forest roughly 18 minutes before you were killed for it.

You knew why you were killed, you knew this happened 24 days ago, so I can only assume this Action Request was out of revenge or some other malicious reason. If you attempt to do something like this again, I will just ban you.
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