Search results

  1. Niko

    best energy drink

    don't drink energy drinks
  2. Niko

    The end

    contact them, give them receipts from any steam purchases made, done?
  3. Niko

    Odd food combinations you love

    cup noodles with a chili bagel, dip the bagel into the noodle water after eating the noodles, very good
  4. Niko

    Bug Report (Can't sell pumpkins)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Can't sell pumpkins How to reproduce the Bug: 1. Have a pumpkin in your inventory 2. Speak to any shop NPC 3. Try to sell pumpkin Time Stamp: 01:31 UTC +1 Errors: None, nothing happens when you left or right click the pumpkin in the shop window, and...
  5. Niko

    Rule Suggestion (2.5 Excessive Negativity)

    Don't do the crime if you can't afford the fine
  6. Niko

    Funny danish guy

    I fucking HATE Danish "people"
  7. Niko

    Should I apply to become a admin?

    apply for it, i want to see your evolved schizo posting when you get denied
  8. Niko

    3.22 Intersection red light.

    Put a sentry with an AS50 to shoot any red light runners instead, would be preferred alternative.
  9. Niko

    Warning to all staffmembers

  10. Niko

    Thinking about leaving

    Thinking about scamming someone for premium
  11. Niko

    What is the worst scandinavian language?

    I'm switching my vote, fuck Swedes. Obnoxious
  12. Niko

    What is the worst scandinavian language?

    You're getting a bit too comfortable, speaking to Rogue like that.
  13. Niko

    What is the worst scandinavian language?

    Fuck Danes bro
  14. Niko

    from @FunnyLooking

    finally some good news
  15. Niko


  16. Niko

    Spike strips on normal cops

    All I can imagine is the amount of reports and complaints about patrol officers ramming into suspects head on because no one with spikes is on duty
  17. Niko

    Who has most money ingame?

    i got $5 and a pack of skittles
  18. Niko

    Ban Apology (blobvis2.0)

    Considering that you were warned for the same thing the very day before by @Scoot and for the same rule by @Spoon just a few days before that, what made you even think it was a good idea? Personally, as the first of the two civilians you shot, I don't really accept your apology. Perhaps 6...
  19. Niko

    What do you imagine the reward will be?

    6 months of community service
  20. Niko

    What do you play while on Vacation (banned)?

    If anyone needs a copy, let me know Anyway, since I don’t get banned unfortunately I can’t answer this thread :( Though I would recommend: Tekken 7 (Tekken 8 out tomorrow!!!!) Final Fantasy XIV Monster Hunter Rise & World Valheim APB: Reloaded - if you hate yourself @Tyla Jai
  21. Niko

    Is this a nice color or is it ugly?

    hello guys Color good or color sad? Big bear no like, but me like give commentary
  22. Niko

    Server Suggestion Increase XP gain for roadcrew

    Can confirm, RC XP is atrocious. Took a total of 20 hours of RC to go from 0-100% on first rank, after switching to Influence 5 at 29%, which had taken 9 hours to reach at influence 0 Now at the next rank, I think I've been making a solid 1% an hour with influence 5, mostly given up on even...
  23. Niko

    Server Suggestion Stop car fall damage on spawn

    IMO this is more of a bug, hence why I made a bug report on this a while ago. please fix
  24. Niko

    APB:Reloaded show your stuff / talk

    Just decided to randomly hop on the game today, been a decent while since I last played actively. Started playing during Realtime Worlds when you had to buy it, and have then played since the Closed Beta for F2P I got a decent few characters, as seen below Also have 2 NA characters to...
  25. Niko

    What do they call you?

    digital footprint
  26. Niko


    Yap alert, we got a chatterbox over here
  27. Niko

    Community Spotlight - December 2023

    true femboy behaviour
  28. Niko

    December Mix

    i dont even want to guess what this resolution is
  29. Niko


    on god, i'd be surprised if their combined net worth would reach the same value as my garage for legal reasons, that's a joke, please don't start posting inventory or car screenshots