Thinking about leaving

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I'm doing this because I've considered that no matter how much times I tried getting unbanned I don't and I've got a feeling ill just get denied again so its no point waiting six months until summer. Unless someone accepts my apology but I doubt it.I'm not mad or angry I'm just disappointed and sad because once I missed this server a lot and I really liked this server but I guess I cant ill have to wait 6 months and by then ill forget everything and probably not bothered to play. I'm not leaving yet but I'm thinking about it.
You made 2 ban appeals, one was denied and the other was also denied because you didn't wait long enough before re-appealing so I'm not sure how you came to the immediate conclusion that ban appeals don't work.

If you want honest advice then I'd genuinely wait 1-2 months and become active in the community around the forum and Discord (without making yourself look like a fool of course). During that time you can think of what to write for your appeal and please make it longer, your appeals look incredibly short and just thrown in there hoping for something to happen. I'd also be glad it wasn't a permanent ban, you're the first scammer I see with a 6 month ban.
I'm doing this because I've considered that no matter how much times I tried getting unbanned I don't and I've got a feeling ill just get denied again so its no point waiting six months until summer. Unless someone accepts my apology but I doubt it.I'm not mad or angry I'm just disappointed and sad because once I missed this server a lot and I really liked this server but I guess I cant ill have to wait 6 months and by then ill forget everything and probably not bothered to play. I'm not leaving yet but I'm thinking about it.
I'm doing this because I've considered that no matter how much times I tried getting unbanned I don't and I've got a feeling ill just get denied again so its no point waiting six months until summer. Unless someone accepts my apology but I doubt it.I'm not mad or angry I'm just disappointed and sad because once I missed this server a lot and I really liked this server but I guess I cant ill have to wait 6 months and by then ill forget everything and probably not bothered to play. I'm not leaving yet but I'm thinking about it.
please leave
I dont wanna sound toxic or whatever but you have no reason to be disappointed about the ban.
You literally scammed someone for premium which is always a permban, so you should consider yourself very lucky.
It also happened like 15 days ago so of course your apology will get denied.
Like Bnje said, you are in no way the victim here.
I don't really get what you are trying to achieve with this thread.
In my opinion, just wait out the 6 months. Staff won't unban you and in my opinion, it's more than enough time to let you think what you did wrong and what not to do next time.
6 months isn't long. Get active in the discord and don't act like a douche.
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