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  1. rewevie

    false ban, i dont think he was cheating

    false ban, i dont think he was cheating
  2. rewevie


  3. rewevie


  4. rewevie

    @thehomelessdude come pick me up ill take the train to zurich

    @thehomelessdude come pick me up ill take the train to zurich
  5. rewevie


  6. rewevie


  7. rewevie


  8. rewevie

    Current Roleplaying state

    Anything from kidnapping (not with the intention to mug), hostage situations to buildings at various places (@Jenga ask this guy for more info I can't remember all the times he got told by staff for his shit), but most of the time is just normal RP that get you warned because of "staff...
  9. rewevie

    Current Roleplaying state

    Sadly you can't RP that much apart from the usual food stall... (the gamemode itself is a disguised basewars) You try to RP and you either get stopped by the police or most members of the staff team.
  10. rewevie

    Ability to lockpick/crowbar chests and crafting tables

    big org = has 6 active members "doesnt rp", yes because opening a fish store is rping, when trying to actually implement decent RP most people get shut down by PD or staff cope harder lol
  11. rewevie

    yes man we cry over guns but u cry over no freedom :DDD

    yes man we cry over guns but u cry over no freedom :DDD
  12. rewevie

    hahahahhaha man you are the one that playing 7-8 h a day on dead server sorry i got a life...

    hahahahhaha man you are the one that playing 7-8 h a day on dead server sorry i got a life joining the army in 2 weeks dont wanna wast my time doing nothing on server when cop you ahve 24/7 shotout sio ill go base ok get raided then siting not doing any thing for a whole hour
  13. rewevie

    Action Request (jamie)

    If that's the way you see it then why is the report only on Jamie and also not on me? This reasoning doesn't really work since it means I didn't comply for 5 seconds? Or maybe the officer is just targeting Jamie?
  14. rewevie

    Action Request (jamie)

    @✪[Sky]-Nooni He posted logs about me?
  15. rewevie

    Action Request (jamie)

    I just joined the server, didn't even know I was wanted...
  16. rewevie

    How to rob BlackJack

  17. rewevie

    [ATTACH] famous last words

    famous last words
  18. rewevie

    How to rob BlackJack

    support++ he streamed it to me on discord...
  19. rewevie

    3 ideas

    @Mim @Xeronise You can see userid in console with status if you need the SteamID of the player for an AR
  20. rewevie

    3 ideas

    Source games assign an userid to players when they join the server, I don't know if they can use that.
  21. rewevie


  22. rewevie


  23. rewevie


  24. rewevie

    [ATTACH] mutuals

  25. rewevie

    No refunds [a cheffz] [th13 distrack]

    @Butterman561 MIN [L9 Turbo Boost]DOINB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN [L9 Turbo 9 MEMBER 、? TURBO FNATIC ELOBOOSTING EXPLOIT ㅏ후어누어우누처ㅏㅇ KOREAN METHOD [LEAKED 2020] 아누채다느 PRO LEAGUE CONSOLE HACK FOG { FOG OF WAR SCRIPT } xiexie lua pin bo fe yao ne shi le ??? L9 DOINB [LCK] Command Console !HACK! Co
  26. rewevie

    No refunds [a cheffz] [th13 distrack]

  27. rewevie

