Ability to lockpick/crowbar chests and crafting tables

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Add the ability to lockpick/crowbar chests and crafting tables to steal the contents inside

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Would allow people to rob the contents of the crafting tables and chests
- Would stop chests from being used as quick storage during raids without any counter
- Would deter people from loading chests full of valuable items, while the chest itself cannot be mugged the contents can still be stolen

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- People would be upset when they find their chest in the middle of the farm with the contents missing
- People may steal the chest in public (however I feel that this falls under theft so it can be dealt with IC whether by cops or by the person)
- Crafters and those who load the chest with drying materials would be negatively affected

*Other additions:
Would incentivise people to keep their valuables safe, hidden and protected!

In my opinion, I can see why this was suggested but in a way, I don't feel this should be added due to the issues that could occur with people taking items that they're not supposed to, etc. I think how it works so far is fine, if you feel they have stored something then just make an f6 simple.
to the extent of what is being proposed in this suggestion, yes
i couldnt of worded this better my self
this would basically fuck a already very competititive and barley profitable bussines[unless you craft ak's etc]
to the extent of what is being proposed in this suggestion, yes
To me it seems a bit weird of everyone defending a money-making tactic with absolutely 0 risks, if you can just hide everything in boxes you have 0 risk in what you are doing, which is making guns and selling them to people that use them for crime, don't you think there should be some risk attached to something like that? I don't think you should be able to flaunt weapon crafting in front of people's faces and not expect people to try and take it from you. I think this suggestion would actually give some risk for these mass crafters. Just defend your business, like everyone else has to, don't hide behind flawed server settings.
@Xeronise I think that crafting for hours to make only a couple of thousands doesnt need any risk it all. If this were to be accepted I only expect bad things to happen and people to stop crafting, bazaar is already extremely dead when it comes to actual gun shops. This will further handicap crafters/store owners and make it so crafting guns/weapons isnt worth it at all.

Imagine crafting 10 ak's and storing them in a chest and getting gunpointed by someone so the other can lockpick your chest and yoink the AK's again.
@Xeronise I think that crafting for hours to make only a couple of thousands doesnt need any risk it all. If this were to be accepted I only expect bad things to happen and people to stop crafting, bazaar is already extremely dead when it comes to actual gun shops. This will further handicap crafters/store owners and make it so crafting guns/weapons isnt worth it at all.

Imagine crafting 10 ak's and storing them in a chest and getting gunpointed by someone so the other can lockpick your chest and yoink the AK's again.

Maybe the profit from crafting is so low because it's so easy and safe to craft, if there were fewer crafters willing to take the risk maybe people would pay a higher hourly fee? Maybe this would actually make crafting more worthwhile in the long run? Just a thought
Maybe the profit from crafting is so low because it's so easy and safe to craft, if there were fewer crafters willing to take the risk maybe people would pay a higher hourly fee? Maybe this would actually make crafting more worthwhile in the long run? Just a thought

This would only cause long term gain for the 4x9 aspect ratio crowd making people who already ruin the game for others even more powerful.

We're looking to get more people in, not make the e-sports crowd even more e-sporty.
This would only cause long term gain for the 4x9 aspect ratio crowd making people who already ruin the game for others even more powerful.

We're looking to get more people in, not make the e-sports crowd even more e-sporty.
this is true this suggestion only benefits the tryhards who go around shoot people and dont RP this is basically as good as removing the chest ngl
and the defences for this are just ''No RiSk'' when it costs like 2 to 2.5 mil to get up to lvl 125 firearms over many weeks or months before you start making profit were as anyone with a ak47 and a car can raid and go make good cash easily
Maybe the profit from crafting is so low because it's so easy and safe to craft, if there were fewer crafters willing to take the risk maybe people would pay a higher hourly fee? Maybe this would actually make crafting more worthwhile in the long run? Just a thought
the fee's are so low because everyone wants guns so stupidly cheap and people in order to get there lvl up sell the guns cheap
its not because its low risk. crafting takes millions of dollars to be profitable were as growing or raiding is a 10k or less investment for massive hourly income
this suggestion only apears to pander for the E sports mass shooter top fragger side of Perp that is already causing chaos and discouraging people to play
This would only cause long term gain for the 4x9 aspect ratio crowd making people who already ruin the game for others even more powerful.

We're looking to get more people in, not make the e-sports crowd even more e-sporty.
Why is mugging and raiding people considered ruining it for others? I'm sure there are toxic people on that side of RP but there is also a lot of toxic police as well, cops that go out of their way to ruin someone elses experience, it really goes both ways. Either way, it's a part of the game, you cant expect your experience to be smooth, it is important that you have counterplay to it but it shouldn't be done by adding rules to prevent it entirely.

This also would be negated if crafters were actually careful with what they are doing and acting if crafting weapons is as dangerous as it really is, they wouldn't be exploited by people trying to mug them as people can only get mugged if they are reckless with what they are doing and don't pay any attention.
Look, no-one is making you store 10 guns in a single chest when you're crafting.
No-one is making you leave a chest in the open with all the 'valuables' inside when you get raided

You choose to put stuff in a chest instead of storage for the convenience but the convenience should also come at a cost
Look, no-one is making you store 10 guns in a single chest when you're crafting.
No-one is making you leave a chest in the open with all the 'valuables' inside when you get raided

You choose to put stuff in a chest instead of storage for the convenience but the convenience should also come at a cost
convience shouldnt cost 100k
this suggestion is just going to increase the E sports crowd of perp and basically finish off the gun market
tbh i think the fact that we currently have -28 on this suggestion says enough. It's dumb to give crafters such a high risk, since crafting isn't a high reward thing at all. The people making all the cash only give you a dime for the hours of crafting you actually do. Jenga mentioned stuff that you're not forcing us to put 10 guns in the same chest, however if you craft a lot you need to organise, hence why a lot of the same guns would in fact be in the same chest.

As @Exnem also mentioned it's dumb and it only benefits people that raid a lot, people in big powerfull orgs, leaving out the poor crafter trying to get to his first car.

As @Murtsley mentioned, making this thing real would only promote esports (even) more and would drive away (new) players after loosing their chest with the guns they wanted to sell.
You know raid timer is fairly new in itself and people were fine with raids being handled in RP, for some reason rules now have to get in the way and prevent people from playing normally.
although this has nothing to do with this suggestion, i would like to comment on this.

Your saying that raid timer is dumb, is dumb on itself. The raid timer needed to be introduced, otherwise the big powerfull orgs, like the one you're in yourself just keep raiding and all they do is raid 24/7. You guys being powerfull, probably winning most of the raids you participate in brings nothing to the RP we want to see on the server. Raiding 24/7 is dumb and doesn't really have a high risk for the big orgs, all you guys get is more money and more guns, while the poor players you're raiding will get more and more demotivated, untill the moment they decide to stop playing the server. But hey at least you were able to raid 24/7 right?

You're also saying it gets in the way of people playing normally, no-one prohibits you from actually roleplaying on the server, there's a lot more you can do next to raiding. If you think it's normal to raid 24/7; I suggest that you stop playing this server and go play some darkrp server where admins will abuse you till you cry.
You might as well ban half of the players since they won't come back if this is implemented. Also, the community has spent so much time implementing new player features, yet you're suggesting a feature that incites commotion and makes things more difficult for them.
although this has nothing to do with this suggestion, i would like to comment on this.

Your saying that raid timer is dumb, is dumb on itself. The raid timer needed to be introduced, otherwise the big powerfull orgs, like the one you're in yourself just keep raiding and all they do is raid 24/7. You guys being powerfull, probably winning most of the raids you participate in brings nothing to the RP we want to see on the server. Raiding 24/7 is dumb and doesn't really have a high risk for the big orgs, all you guys get is more money and more guns, while the poor players you're raiding will get more and more demotivated, untill the moment they decide to stop playing the server. But hey at least you were able to raid 24/7 right?

You're also saying it gets in the way of people playing normally, no-one prohibits you from actually roleplaying on the server, there's a lot more you can do next to raiding. If you think it's normal to raid 24/7; I suggest that you stop playing this server and go play some darkrp server where admins will abuse you till you cry.
big org = has 6 active members
"doesnt rp", yes because opening a fish store is rping, when trying to actually implement decent RP most people get shut down by PD or staff
cope harder lol
although this has nothing to do with this suggestion, i would like to comment on this.

Your saying that raid timer is dumb, is dumb on itself. The raid timer needed to be introduced, otherwise the big powerfull orgs, like the one you're in yourself just keep raiding and all they do is raid 24/7. You guys being powerfull, probably winning most of the raids you participate in brings nothing to the RP we want to see on the server. Raiding 24/7 is dumb and doesn't really have a high risk for the big orgs, all you guys get is more money and more guns, while the poor players you're raiding will get more and more demotivated, untill the moment they decide to stop playing the server. But hey at least you were able to raid 24/7 right?

You're also saying it gets in the way of people playing normally, no-one prohibits you from actually roleplaying on the server, there's a lot more you can do next to raiding. If you think it's normal to raid 24/7; I suggest that you stop playing this server and go play some darkrp server where admins will abuse you till you cry.
With all the rule buffs added to police and the rule nerfs added to crims you would think the police would be able to handle these things in RP? And I never said the implementation was dumb either.. I don't agree with it but I see why it was added, I was just pointing out how rules are getting in the way of RP (whether you like it or not raiding is RP) I personally don't think there should be arbitrary restrictions on when you can and can't do certain actions but you do you.

And obviously, there is other RP actions that can be done but they all have been done to death or require staff member intervention, or just get shut down by police. And don't act like a lot of the cop mains like you completely rely on crim mains to do stuff so you can react to it, you don't do anything "RP" yourself.
tbh i think the fact that we currently have -28 on this suggestion says enough. It's dumb to give crafters such a high risk, since crafting isn't a high reward thing at all. The people making all the cash only give you a dime for the hours of crafting you actually do. Jenga mentioned stuff that you're not forcing us to put 10 guns in the same chest, however if you craft a lot you need to organise, hence why a lot of the same guns would in fact be in the same chest.

As @Exnem also mentioned it's dumb and it only benefits people that raid a lot, people in big powerfull orgs, leaving out the poor crafter trying to get to his first car.

As @Murtsley mentioned, making this thing real would only promote esports (even) more and would drive away (new) players after loosing their chest with the guns they wanted to sell.

It's dumb to give crafters such a high risk, since crafting isn't a high reward thing at all - Done by choice

The people making all the cash only give you a dime for the hours of crafting you actually do - You set the prices, guess you should value yourself more

also mentioned it's dumb and it only benefits people that raid a lot, people in big powerfull orgs, leaving out the poor crafter trying to get to his first car - 1. that is the entire point of raiding, 2. yes, numbers = wins (look at the PLPD), 3. Never seen a new player use a chest, its much easier to base and use the 2x bonus for drugs to get a buggati

making this thing real would only promote esports (even) more and would drive away (new) players after loosing their chest with the guns they wanted to sell. - 1. Its quite sad to think that anyone who robs or raids you is an esports player, 2. again, never seen a new player use a chest
It's dumb to give crafters such a high risk, since crafting isn't a high reward thing at all - Done by choice

The people making all the cash only give you a dime for the hours of crafting you actually do - You set the prices, guess you should value yourself more

also mentioned it's dumb and it only benefits people that raid a lot, people in big powerfull orgs, leaving out the poor crafter trying to get to his first car - 1. that is the entire point of raiding, 2. yes, numbers = wins (look at the PLPD), 3. Never seen a new player use a chest, its much easier to base and use the 2x bonus for drugs to get a buggati

making this thing real would only promote esports (even) more and would drive away (new) players after loosing their chest with the guns they wanted to sell. - 1. Its quite sad to think that anyone who robs or raids you is an esports player, 2. again, never seen a new player use a chest
you cant ''value your self more'' if your prices arent bottom dollar no one will buy
this suggestion clearly isnt wanted by anyone that isnt a mega pro perp player and it will just kill the gun market more
you cant ''value your self more'' if your prices arent bottom dollar no one will buy
this suggestion clearly isnt wanted by anyone that isnt a mega pro perp player and it will just kill the gun market more
beta mentality
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