Search results

  1. Exnem

    Model Suggestion DMC-12 DeLorean additions

    This requires modelling, as the model needs a change to allow the doors to move. Those doors, to my knowledge, does not have any animatable bones currently, and the doors aren't separate from the model either. The openable doors on certain cars was a feature that TDM included for certain cars as...
  2. Exnem

    Refund Request (Exnem)

    Your Steam Name: Exnem Your Roleplay Name: Ryo Yoshida Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56233091 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon because somebody broke 3.4. I made a report and the player was banned for it. If the player followed 3.4, I would still have my gun...
  3. Exnem

    Model Suggestion DMC-12 DeLorean additions

    I feel that the real change should definitely be this. Cruise control, and when you tick over 85, it limits to 88, then 90, as a small reference.
  4. Exnem

    Model Suggestion DMC-12 DeLorean additions

    The vehicle already exceeds 88 mph at 92mph top speed, limiting its top speed is not necessary.
  5. Exnem

    Event Suggestion Has to do with events

    Scheduled events are already a thing, however they are not hosted as frequently as they used to be anymore due to how some of them have been around since 2014-2015 era. Scheduling events nowadays only serves to get people on the server for a limited period, and a majority will disconnect when...
  6. Exnem

    Warning Dispute (Sindarin)

    Hello. Having made the report on you in-game that lead to this warning, here is my side. A PD raid was initiated on your property by other officers. I took part in this incident and was eventually shot unconscious. In this brief 3-ish minute period of being unconscious, all you did was close...
  7. Exnem

    The problem is solved

    Open your console and type one of the following commands: connect connect
  8. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Give bandages and stim packs to SS

    I can already tell you with absolute certainty that SS get their own bandages, stims and even a splint from the PD bandage npc. As Benji said, you don't receive them as part of preventing people from joining the job just to bandage, splint or stimpack themselves before leaving the job again. The...
  9. Exnem

    Police Suggestion Making a App for Cops to access Police Database

    To add to this, the phone computer should only have access to name searching, license plate searching, and only be able to view a profile without adding comments or writing warrants. You can only see a basic list of warrants. (the last 5 warrants), and a basic list of latest information (the...
  10. Exnem

    Event Suggestion The Annual Purge

    There is already a variant of this that exists in PERP once a year. The Halloween zombie outbreak event essentially is this but PvE. There is no real purpose to having a PvP purge event other than turn the server into a deathmatch zone for whatever allotted time. If you want deathmatch, you...
  11. Exnem

    Cant join police force

    Issue resolved.
  12. Exnem

    Cant join police force

    Here are some more details around your blacklist, and likely the reasoning behind your demotion.
  13. Exnem


  14. Exnem

    Server Suggestion add Backpacks

    You can move a chest with you everywhere you want. Put it in the back of a truck/van and you're good to go. It can't be stolen from, but if you pull things out of it they can. Again, there is no need for this. You can already carry (half) a ton of items.
  15. Exnem

    That didn't last long. What happened?

    That didn't last long. What happened?
  16. Exnem


    Task failed successfully. /link is a command you type into the PERPHeads discord server's "link here", or equivalent, channel. Anyhow, welcome!
  17. Exnem

    Server Suggestion add Backpacks

    You can use a chest for that, something that's already implemented.
  18. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Add Necklaces or more jewelry

    Xquality was in charge of the characters on the modelling scene, god knows where he disappeared to though. Earrings were planned, but not made. Remnants of this can be seen in the jennifers' customization menu when you select the head. It'd be great if we got further character customization in...
  19. Exnem

    Server Suggestion add Backpacks

    Given that your character can hold a backpack's worth of cargo, and more, this suggestion is largely redundant. If you find yourself hitting the weight limit, which isn't very common unless you're crafting, then you've made some very strange choices. There is no need for this. Your character...
  20. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Remove Surrender Timer

    This is where having a mandatory 5 second surrender time would be handy and your surrender animation just loops. That, and having to hold C for 2-3 seconds (after the mandatory time is served) before your surrender cancels, and you put your hands down. Having this 2-3 second window of confirming...
  21. Exnem


  22. Exnem

    I got a longer ban timespan than I should have got.

    You'll have to create a punishment appeal here. If the ban is incorrect to what you did, a dispute will be the correct format. I recommend you bring evidence for it. A video will do. If you don't think the ban is incorrect, but feel that the...
  23. Exnem

    Action Request (No idea)

    Some additional information. Steam Name: Flicker SteamID: STEAM_0:0:776669192
  24. Exnem

    Ban Apology (racxes)

    When you got revived, I explained to you that you came into CH with a shotgun. This prompted the gunpoint, as you were armed, in a public area, on government property, on your way up to the mayor. At this point, I approached and held the two of you at gunpoint, where you decided to take off...
  25. Exnem

    killoing distance

    It takes less than a second to turn around.
  26. Exnem

    killoing distance

    What do you mean by this? You can stand as close as you want to someone when you kill them. There is no maximum range. The bullet will travel to the end of the map, which means you can theoretically kill someone at car dealer from regals 5.
  27. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Removing purchased property from bank menu

    I propose an alternate implementation: gray out the purchase button and slap a "Occupied" tag over top so that players (new players) know what properties can be rented.
  28. Exnem

    What programs do you lot use for creating Signs ingame?

    paint gimp photoshop there are more, but those are what i can think of at the top of my head. is superior to paint in almost every way, but inferior to photoshop.
  29. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Hold on a house after disconnect

    You already get 50% of your money back when you leave, or sell your property. It is automatic.