Suggestion Title: Give bandages and stim packs to SS
Suggestion Description: So,i found today that SS has no bandages and no stim packs and u need to use your ones.
And i find that not fair,and i suggest to give SS 4 bandages and 7 stims. U can ressuply at the PD NPC where u ressuplying as a police officer.
Why should this be added?:
- In the time of shootout SS can bandage themself
- It would be more realistic i guess
What negatives could this have?:
- N/A
Suggestion Description: So,i found today that SS has no bandages and no stim packs and u need to use your ones.
And i find that not fair,and i suggest to give SS 4 bandages and 7 stims. U can ressuply at the PD NPC where u ressuplying as a police officer.
Why should this be added?:
- In the time of shootout SS can bandage themself
- It would be more realistic i guess
What negatives could this have?:
- N/A