Search results

  1. Exnem


    I hypothesize that the reason for staff punishments not being public information is that this could be used as a way to harass or bring up really old punishments from years ago. It would contribute nothing to the report they're dealing with in-game, and only cause problems or arguments about the...
  2. Exnem

    Refund Request (lakot)

    Your items were lost as a result of a physics bug, and thus no bug report will ever be applicable here. You cannot fix the physics engine, and your vehicle was inexplicably flung without prompt or reason as was demonstrated later. 1x - M4A1 1x - M4A1 Stock 1x - Eotech Holographic Sight 1x -...
  3. Exnem

    Rule Suggestion (Forum Rule: 2.5 Administrative Threads)

    Suggestion Topic: Other Suggestion Description: Forum Rule: 2.5 Administrative Threads Users replying to Action Requests, Ban Appeals, Disputes or Refund Requests must have been directly involved in the situation or posting on someone’s behalf and be providing relevant information to the...
  4. Exnem

    Warning Dispute (A1L)

    To clarify, rule 2.5 is a rule that covers administrative threads. You agree that Helper Applications are in the Administration section of the forums, yes?
  5. Exnem

    Action Request (Spitfire)

    You can join the server to load the content, then start the demo to run it normally. Do that, then return with a tick.
  6. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (steelo)

    Open your demo and record a video from the events that occurred. The relevant demo is named: perpheads_demo_2023-5-27 02-28-16 You can follow this guide on how to use demos:
  7. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (steelo)

    If you disagree with the ban length you'll have to create a Staff Complaint on Steelo. I will edit your appeal to a Dispute. In the meantime, please provide some evidence to prove this ban is false in its entirety. Video evidence is preferrable, but your Demo will do just fine. Just ensure you...
  8. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Crouch Fatigue

    Even if that's the case, it makes you unrealistically harder to hit by a few margins if at greater distances. Re-creating CSGO's crouching fatigue would be an excellent solution.
  9. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (steelo)

    Is this an apology or a dispute? The way you've worded your appeal makes this seem like a dispute, not an apology.
  10. Exnem

    KuroShukun Media Music

    Are you really surprised your history is catching up to you? The point of having a punishment record is so that we can monitor a player's behavior over long periods of time, and sometimes even short periods of time. The fact that you've done this numerous times in the past, and that it's coming...
  11. Exnem

    Action Request (MomoCoon)

    @MomoCoon will receive a ban extension for violating rules 2.5 and 3.4 against you as seen in your streamable media. Momo has failed to provide any useful statement defending their actions, and thus has been punished accordingly. There is duplicate evidence provided in another Action Request...
  12. Exnem

    Action Request (MomoCoon)

    @MomoCoon has failed to provide a reasoning for the question above in the specified timeframe. They will be punished for violating 3.4 on numerous occasions as seen in the video evidence provided both here and in another Action Request. MomoCoon has received a ban extension of 3 months, making...
  13. Exnem

    Action Request (MomoCoon)

    @MomoCoon Care to properly explain your actions?
  14. Exnem

    Action Request (MomoCoon)

    @MomoCoon why did you break open the PD front door, then run away the moment it was opened? Please explain your actions. You have 48 hours.
  15. Exnem

    [SFM Render] Defence

    That wrist is broken. This feels like a freeze frame before disaster haha.
  16. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Citizen database

    Could integrate into this idea, and have the city hall computers that directly connect to the site allow you to reverse lookup RP names. Should also make this available in the F1 menu, and via a chat command. Could work by allowing RP names as input via a separate chat...
  17. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Dave)

    You have been instructed to wait at least a week. Please take the time to read the reply to your previous ban appeal before you go and create another. Spamming these with the same level of effort will not get you anywhere. It has been a single day since you got banned, give it 6 more. See...
  18. Exnem

    Premium expired even when I payed for 30 day

    You should put this information on the donation page.
  19. Exnem

    I recall he provided the demo. I remember that much. Haven't seen you for the longest time, what...

    I recall he provided the demo. I remember that much. Haven't seen you for the longest time, what you been up to?
  20. Exnem

    I remember trying to explain for so long. I blame @The HitMan for ratting me out :(

    I remember trying to explain for so long. I blame @The HitMan for ratting me out :(
  21. Exnem

    Help me find new games to play

    only like 3 people excluding tyla turned up to it, nobody actually played cause it just didn't take off.
  22. Exnem

    It was me lol.

    It was me lol.
  23. Exnem


  24. Exnem

    @Tyla Jai [IMG]

    @Tyla Jai
  25. Exnem

    This was my reference haha.

    This was my reference haha.
  26. Exnem


  27. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (valent)

    Making another dispute instead of doing what you were told in your last one won't yield a different result. Read the instructions on your last dispute to move forward. Additionally, you cannot dispute the length of your ban. A staff complaint is required for that. If you want to dispute your...
  28. Exnem

    Should police be able to make CPR

    Finally the speeders have something to fear.
  29. Exnem

    Cheater Or Naw

    Seems legit to me.
  30. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    Ensure this doesn't happen again. You should be well aware of 3.20 given your history. Your ban has been lifted.