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  1. Exnem

    Ideas to create more community engagement

    Shoutbox Action Requests Ban appeals (now) Ayjay Edit: I would love to be able to access the shoutbox from the in-game phone, that'd be sick.
  2. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (Exnem)

    @totario1, to clarify on this situation a little further and explain a mistake I made; I mentioned "rule 9.8 and 9.9" in the admin sit. This is incorrect, and never noticed this mistake until I watched the video @Valentine recorded of the instance of metagaming. What I meant to say was rule 3.8...
  3. Exnem

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    Garry's Mod (PerpHeads) As for other games, in no particular order: Star Citizen Brickadia Avorion (you've probably never heard of this game, but it's fun.) (chilling, customizing, driving and crashing all appeal to me, so it's pretty fun sometimes) Teardown FiveM (There's a...
  4. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (Exnem)

    Hello, for this dispute to even be considered you must provide some form of evidence to counter the validity of your ban.