Ban Dispute (Exnem)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Exnem
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: totario1
Your Roleplay Name: Mark Zendoro
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:569800326

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.2, 1.6 - Metagaming with STEAM_0:1:547600629, Admitted to using Discord in the admin sit, then tried to lie his way out it.

Why should this appeal be considered?: 1. I was only using discord to talk about real life related things and what games we could play
2. When I asked about the Van the raid was already over (I made sure by checking it out) so I was not getting a "advantage"
3. The call was not my idea, he called me, I only re called him on to get information for if he wanted to fully go off discord
4. I was not lying in the admin sit, I simply did not understand what metagaming "fully" was so I also stuttered in confusion wondering about what part to talk about and how to explain it in the RIGHT way (+14.)
5. I also just thought metagaming is sharing in game information which gives you a advantage (I now researched it)
6. I did not use my time in the sit sorry but it is because I had too much to gather in my little brain
7. I respect the admins and what they said I just think they thought I was doing a "higher level" of metagaming
8. In the call I did seriously try to not share any in game information
9. I tried to become police (20 seconds before sit and I did not tell him) that should prove I would've had nothing to "share" anyway and that I did not have any plans with him from the call overall
10. I am not asking for my friends' ban to be reduced or anything in that category to do with him
11. My heart rate goes high in intense situations and my ears start ringing which is a extra fun thing
12. The only time I ever called my friend during the discord call was when he hung up, that's it
13. I used my time now to think of everything and now wanted to share from everything I know and put it here
14. The admin sit did also worry me as I couldn't hear the admins well and did not want to anger them and didn't fully understand the situation and only understood when I turned up my speakers and heard them talk about how I was metagaming (4.) which I'm guessing is why they think I tried to deceive them
15. I do not try to cheat in games to make anything unfair and get myself a advantage as to me everyone deserves to have a legit fair time so I try my hardest to make some smiles happen and only want a GG in any game I play
16. I seriously did not know what the dear admin meant in the sit and was just worried and confused in the sit (4.) (14.)
17. I really do not try to inconvenience anybody's experience ever, I just think this was all a misunderstanding due to lack of any huge vision on me and it was looked at in a very bad way on me that's why I want to get my ban just shortened or unbanned because I really don't feel I myself deserve this as by what you now see in this appeal
18. " It was used to gain an unfair advantage over others in this case as you were on the discord call throughout the raid at Subs and during other instances such as exchanging in-game items inside your base with your friend and asking about the van outside." We did not exchange items in any sort of case, like I said I only saw the van after the raid was clear and that's the only thing I ever shared on the call, I did this when I respawned and waited off NLR by and after going to the casino, I did not share any information on discord over the raid, I and him did not mention anything we both just heard a bobby snap
19. I feel I was really just misunderstood in this scenario and everything involved
20. I want anything to happen for me to be able to prove myself as a honest guy as I could never even try to manipulate anyone for a dumb reason that wouldn't achieve me anything
21. I still to this day not know if it was even anyone's van ._.

Evidence And Attempts to Prove Myself Again-
1. The admin said In the denied apology that is was "used to exchange items and give me a advantage over subs raid" by me asking about if my friend owned a van as there was one parked outside his house - When I asked about the van the raid was already FULLY over and I was already going to PD from subs after storing my stuff so I can become a police officer - Look in the demos you can see me going and doing all of that, that should explain that part which the admins saw wrong,
I also did not exchange items in any way which you can see in the demos too.
2. I did not lie or try to deceive the admins as said by them, I already explained in my points somewhere up there

This should now show that the ban was invalid like for what I singed up to write for, look at the ban reason and I just said everything and showed you my points on how the ban reason was invalid and wrong and your proof will be in your very nice demos ,check the demos I literally can't do this anymore

Summary - I was misunderstood and so was the situation and put my explanation in, I've already waited over a week and believe my ban should be revoked or reduced as I did not do any of the thing that the admins said, they saw it as "Mark Saw A Van During A Subs Raid And Mentioned It On Discord Giving Him An Advantage Inconveniencing Others Experiences And Lied To Us" NO I was stressed and didn't lie or understand the situation as I thought I did nothing wrong due to lack of vision on the meaning of metagaming to me (check my points up there for that story) and only said about the van AFTER the raid so I got, NO ADVANTAGE, did NOT LIE, did NOT EXCHANGE ITEMS (no clue where that came from), ONLY asked if my friend had a van, Check the demos for proof and evidence and use my points, that's it

Just please believe me and get this over with all I want is a second chance, I've waited a over a week, this is my first ban, and all I can do is try convince you, the summary and the explanation should show how invalid this is as in the end all I did is ask if my friend had a van, all together I got banned for asking for if my friend had a van in the game on discord and he didn't even answer it!, subs raid gave me no advantage, exchanging items was made up go check, and they thought I mentioned a van during the raid as in made up POV - "Mark saw a van outside his and his mates house that was the raiders inside going out to raid him"
Like seriously,
EVERYTHING IS A LIE, everything was made up, the lying to the admins, the advantage, in the end ALL I DID was ask about a van outside a house and got a 2 month ban for a server that I played on ever day on actually enjoyed, all together, I still think this was just a "small action" from me
It's my FIRST EVER BAN, I asked something that didn't even help me out of curiosity, this is all so wrong like seriously how did I even get here,
these are all points from what I know, from the admins perspective and what they said and also what I think in general, all you need is to check the demos, literally the latest 1 - 2 ON ME will work perfectly as this is happened so fast and so wrong, I'm going to die if I write any more

I also promise to never use any 3rd party platform ever again when I return, I know now what is what, I will literally have my discord closed or a admin can seriously watch all my open windows, to keep my promise you can Permaban me or make it 6 Months whatever just for metagaming next time if you ever see me doing so which will never happen, I am so sorry for losing the admins trust I seriously mean what I say,
It's been a week and over and I just dream to just see the community again, I even read all the rules until muscle memory and researched so this will not happen ever again, I love this server and just want 1 more chance, even the smallest piece of recognition will matter to me a lot.
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Hello, for this dispute to even be considered you must provide some form of evidence to counter the validity of your ban.

Warning/Ban Disputes
  • You should only make a dispute if you feel the punishment was invalid.
  • You cannot dispute a punishment because you feel the length was unjust, this must be done via a staff complaint instead.
  • You can only dispute a punishment once, if you still disagree after it was denied then you should make a staff complaint.
  • A dispute must contain sufficient evidence such as a video of the situation or a demo with the relevant tick provided.
  • We aim to complete or at least respond to any disputes within 72 hours.
  • The handling staff member(s) cannot be the one that issued the punishment.
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@totario1, to clarify on this situation a little further and explain a mistake I made;
I mentioned "rule 9.8 and 9.9" in the admin sit. This is incorrect, and never noticed this mistake until I watched the video @Valentine recorded of the instance of metagaming. What I meant to say was rule 3.8 and 3.9 when I was explaining the construction the two of you made was against the rules.

If you watch this video, it is evident that you and ZuHo were trying to exchange information outside of the gameplay mechanics set in place for you to use.
(TeamSpeak on your phone, org chat, text messages or even directly calling each other on the phone in-game)

Additionally, you were both completely silent when traveling from place to place after you had respawned. When returning to suburbs, the only time one of you spoke was when ZuHo said something to the random guy at storage, before you both unanimously decided to return to suburbs 8 and clear it with guns pointed. Nobody was around at the time, and it was after your NLR but it's not particularly normal behavior for someone that isn't talking to the other person in-game.

To reiterate. You need to provide evidence (videos, pictures) for your dispute if you want it to be considered by Senior Moderation/Administration.

No evidence provided to dispute your ban, and the claims of your actions within subs, and the exchanging items.
In the future when disputing a ban please provide evidence you did in fact not perform those actions.

Reviewed with @A1L and @Sean
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