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  1. SamSN

    Ban Apology (ellie)

  2. SamSN


  3. SamSN

    Hi perp

    Hello! Enjoy your free gun!
  4. SamSN


  5. SamSN

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    Attempting to ban evade less than 5 minutes after writing an apology isn't the best way to convince us that you're sorry and want to try and follow the rules!
  6. SamSN

    Ban Apology (CONSOLE)

  7. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

  8. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

  9. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

    Next time just make the apology, don't try to ban evade first. Feel free to try again in a few weeks.
  10. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  11. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  12. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Aquaa)

    Next time just make the ban apology rather than trying to ban evade twice first.
  13. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (PUG)

    In the two and a half years since your ban was issued the server's content has changed dramatically, given this, we are unable to adequately determine whether or not you were cheating. It was your responsibility to provide your demo when it was requested of you, had you done so we would have...
  14. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (PUG)

    This ban was issued 2 and a half years ago, is there any reason why it took you so long to make a dispute?
  15. SamSN

    Warning Dispute (curak)

    The definition of imminent is "coming or likely to happen very soon", you were aware that the police were present in or around the building and you can even see them announcing their presence as you were outside of the apartment trying to recover the gun, thus an imminent danger was present...
  16. SamSN

    Refund Request (Nickishero)

    Contact an administrator in-game to receive 1x MP5K with magazine.
  17. SamSN

    Refund Request (eddoverheels)

    As @curak mentioned, helpers cannot authorise refunds. Make a bug report, the developers will fix the issue and/or tell you to make a refund from there.
  18. SamSN

    Refund Request (jabowen2007)

  19. SamSN

    Refund Request (jabowen2007)

    Goonsberg is a helper and so cannot approve refund requests, are you sure it was him you spoke to?
  20. SamSN

    Ban Apology (ellie)

  21. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

  22. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  23. SamSN

    Server Suggestion Tricycle No Longer Requires Fuel

    Instead of using fuel, it should just drain your hunger and thirst!
  24. SamSN

    Ban Apology (colier)

    Since sending my last response I was sent a recording of this incident by @Collier. These recordings make it very clear that your actions were intentional; both the people you killed were hit by more than one shot, while maybe I could understand one shot accidentally hitting someone, I find it...
  25. SamSN

    Ban Apology (colier)

    You set this post to be an apology but your message comes off more as if you are disputing the rule break as opposed to acknowledging your mistakes and apologising for them. Would you like for your apology to be changed to a dispute? If so, you'll have to provide evidence for uninvolved staff...
  26. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Aquaa)

    Another apology for this ban was accepted:
  27. SamSN

    How to make Cappuccino

    Got stuck on step 1 because I don't know how to use Fahrenheit (Celsius is clearly superior) or select a temperature on my microwave, Costa will have to do
  28. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (Exnem)

    Your ban has been looked at by a significant number of different staff members who all agree without a doubt that your actions constitute the rulebreak were originally accused of. You do not get the choice to continually demand that different staff members deal with your dispute one after...
  29. SamSN

    Found the damn smod duplication glitch

    Found the damn smod duplication glitch
  30. SamSN

    Ban Apology (CONSOLE)

    The pure luck that you decide to come back to the community for the first time in 8 months only a few hours after an account that you sold prior to joining the server for the first time's ban appeal was denied is incredible!