Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Fredy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: LilChicken
Your Roleplay Name: Ted Hastings
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61037935

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: For being a nuisance

Why should this appeal be considered?: It has been a year and three months since I was banned by Fredy for being a nuisance in the community. I've come to understand why I was banned, I was constantly making the game unenjoyable for other people by making constant complaints for petty rule breaks or policy breaks where PD was involved I am truly sorry for everyone who had their experience ruined by this, I understand how stressful I must've made the game for some people.

While I did some good over the several years I played Perpheads this was often overshadowed by the bad, I want to come back to the server having changed as a person and with the understanding of how my actions affected other people to build back on the good work I did.

I was for some time a helper on the server where I wrote guides and assisted players, regularly hosting events to make the server more engaging and helping community management where possible. I ruined this by helping someone ban evade, a mistake I truly regret. I also was quite involved in the PD, uncovering corruption and leading the largest investigation I think we've ever seen however I also abused the IA system by making a large stream of complaints some of them with substance some of them without, and most of them leading to little to no punishment meaning they weren't really worth the time of everyone involved.

It wasn't just these final actions that led up to my being banned permanently, I had a long history of being annoying to people and getting myself banned by breaking rules leading up to a massive ban record with the bans getting longer each time it's surprising I wasn't community-wide banned sooner.

I have over the last year reflected a lot on my actions, I do miss playing on Perp a lot and while I don't have the time now to commit as I did previously I would like to be able to come back and enjoy the server for how it's meant to be played and not break the rules and make complaints on everyone.

If I am given the chance to come back I will not be that problem player again, I only want to come back to enjoy the fun parts of perp, the passive roleplaying element, the PD, and maybe a bit of crime. I want to be given this opportunity to prove I've changed and can be a functioning member of the community again.

I truly regret my actions which led to me being banned from a server I used to pour so many hours into and used to really enjoy. It's been a considerable amount of time since I last played and I'm sure much has changed, as have I, so I would love the opportunity to come and relearn the game.

Thank you for reading, there isn't much for me to say other than I'm truly sorry for everyone's experience I ruined and I hope to be given an opportunity to come back and make amends.
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