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  1. Tilin

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Vote

    So, let's say I threaten a certain org, would this apply under the same rule?
  2. Tilin

    Police Suggestion TFU deployment function for Police computer / dispatch

    In general the way you assign units is a bit counterintuitive to me. You should be able to assign units to incidents or incidents to units by clicking on either first. Especially, when there's a lot of life alerts. It would be nice if it were easier to assign units or just create incidents faster.
  3. Tilin

    Action Request (Beesting)

    @Beesting Can you explain why you shot @bobo?
  4. Tilin

    Police Suggestion TFU deployment function for Police computer / dispatch

    Let's be fair, when you need TFU assistance, you won't really go to your police computer
  5. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Patrol Vehicles

    That doesn't correlate to you why you see traffic less with unmarked now? Every time I try to pull out one, a Patrol officer is already using it. As @Bnjemann pointed out. It's essentially like saying "Why does TFU get so many better guns than Patrol?", especially now that RTU is a secondary...
  6. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Patrol Vehicles

    @Bnjemann Don't we all? Yeah, it's so annoying watching someone in Patrol gear drive an unmarked, when you could have a speedy unmarked car :|
  7. Tilin

    Model Suggestion Make Rifle Flashlight Pistol Flashlight useful Functional

    r_shadows 0 only affects the light itself. The spotlights are still just as bright if you're running that.
  8. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (phoondos)

    Create a ban apology if you wish to apologize for your actions. Disputes are intended for you to be allowed to express your belief of your actions not violating the rules or inconsistencies in the reasoning for the punishment. You cannot dispute ban lengths, but if you believe the staff...
  9. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (phoondos)

    Are you apologizing for your actions, disputing the ban or disputing the ban length?
  10. Tilin

    Juan Bonita Never metagame again

    And not a single shout out to me for getting him to come to the realization
  11. Tilin

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    I think it's less that the community wants it, more that we know that people have been using these things, but there's no real fair way to stop them.
  12. Tilin

    Refund Request (HjalteSej)

    You're supposed to inform us what staff member authorized this.
  13. Tilin

    Refund Request (HjalteSej)

    Did you make a report ingame? Did you make an Action Request on the forums?
  14. Tilin

    Refund Request (HjalteSej)
  15. Tilin

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Make an F6 when an administrator+ is online to receive: - Enfield L85A2 - Magazine (I forget is it the 25 or the 30 one) - Microdot Sight Weapon ID: 181753043
  16. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (ᴍɪɴɪ)

    Considering the fact that you googled the definition of encourage, you could have at least read past the first line. Instead of stopping the new player, who you saw was up to no good, you decided to supply them with a weapon. You may have not verbally encouraged them, but without your weapon...
  17. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (ᴍɪɴɪ)

    We're looking into it.
  18. Tilin

    Cheating for montage clips - is it worth it?

    The community is kinda split on this chief...
  19. Tilin

    Action Request (ilPtrni)

    Wait.. I'm a tad bit lost. You trespassed on THEIR property, armed?
  20. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

    perpheads_demo_2024-11-8 20-41-42
  21. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

    Can you provide a clip of that situation, so we can see who instigated the fight originally and gauge better, whether you shot them for a valid reason.
  22. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

    Why did the fight occur originally, where you got knocked out?
  23. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

    Can you explain you decided to gamble first, when your intent was to kill them anyways? Why did you not seek revenge on the other player that knocked you out?
  24. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (torbizzle)

    Whilst @torbizzle's perspective might've been completely different, as the player model doesn't rotate their head 180° when looking back, he could've easily assumed you were just ignoring him. Thank you for providing your POV. We believe that the time given to you to react to the situation, was...
  25. Tilin

    Action Request (ilPtrni)

    To add onto what @Ellie said. What a raid is by definition: Trespassing on an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside. Rule 2.5 - Excessive negativity: When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry whilst entering...
  26. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Act wheel toggle that lets you open carry.

    There could be probably some way to break 3.4 by flashing a gun lol. The rule is very subjective in terms of that stuff as we know
  27. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Act wheel toggle that lets you open carry.

    People often fuck about and find out... that you're armed. And putting it in your hands can be seen as intimidation and cause them to shoot you.
  28. Tilin

    Ban Apology (tilin)

    You have a horrible record for a new player. You obviously have no incentive to read the rules. You are not sorry you did it, you're sorry you caught yourself in a trap. You did. No, you really haven't. You should wait at least half of your ban is over before even considering to appeal.
  29. Tilin

    Admins do not take cheating reports seriously at all and do not look at demos.

    The simple reasons why we don't check the demos: - You likely made a low effort report with no evidence or very poor evidence - Staff is a voluntary position and we really do not want to watch a demo every time someone makes a report. - Reviewing a demo takes 15-60min. Now imagine if we did it...
  30. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (dan)

    After a thorough discussion with the bellow mentioned staff members, we have decided that you did not act proportionally to the situation. Whilst we understand how you could have somehow perceived that there was a sense of danger, you could have taken a second and actually try to Roleplay it...