Ban Dispute (ᴍɪɴɪ)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @ᴍɪɴɪ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: mohamed pablo
Your Roleplay Name: mohamed pablo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:556778222

Why were you punished?: 1.4, 2.5 - User had encouraged a new player to RDM another user in front of a cop for their entertainment.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i feel like this dispute should be considered because is didn't encourage or tell him to kill him, i simply handed one of my allies a weapon because he was in a heated situation and may need to defend himself, he killed him on his own accord and you can quite obviously see jack breaking 2.5 and getting him riled up rubbing it in his face that he tricked a new player into thinking There is a safety feature on guns in perp, getting Susan arrested on his first time in the server, and i never told Susan to shoot him i just gave him a gun i didn't cause problems (1.4) if anything jack knockers was committing 1.4 by annoying a new player about something from a past life. i get i shouldn't have probably gave him a gun but i wasn't being excessively negative or negating problems between them.

i pressed enter whilst i was on the evidence section to make another row but for some reason it just submitted it here's the other clip of him riling up the new player.

i meant to put in addition that jack was also trying to take the gun from Susan witch he also should have done and probably made him even more mad.
00:07 Susan said "I would but I have nothing to kill him with"
00:15 you say "Here, Susan" and drop him a revolver with ammo.
How can you say you're not encouraging the RDM when the sweater has just said he would kill him but he didn't have anything to do it with? You have legit provided the sweater with a weapon to shoot someone.
i didn't tell him to kill him or encourage him though, (a. : to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : hearten. she was encouraged to continue by her early success. b. : to attempt to persuade : urge.30 Oct 2024 that's googles definition of encourage there i didn't encourage him to shoot him i simply just gave him a weapon and anyways i didn't expect him to rdm him i thought maybe he had kos on him and would wait till the cop left i never forced his hand and made him pick the gun up i just dropped it to him.
  • Optimistic
Reactions: A1L

Considering the fact that you googled the definition of encourage, you could have at least read past the first line.

to attempt to persuade


Instead of stopping the new player, who you saw was up to no good, you decided to supply them with a weapon. You may have not verbally encouraged them, but without your weapon this situation wouldn't have unfolded the same way.

We obviously do not appreciate this behaviour whatsoever, since it puts a alot of pressure on the newer players, who are already more likely to do something like that, since PERP can be quite overwhelming for first timers. You could've taught them how to appropriately take revenge on a player, but you knew what would happen, don't blame it on the dictionary definitions.

Reviewed with @blobvis 2.0, @Jimmy, @Hodgparjor and @Efan
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