Search results

  1. HuskyD0G

    Server Suggestion Remove fireaxe damage

    I’ve literally been attacked as a firefighter multiple times, and used it to defend myself. Taking this away would just ruin the fun of slicing up sweaters who attack me.
  2. HuskyD0G

    Server Suggestion Donation box\hat

    I was about to say, there would definitely need to be a cap to how much you could intake from donations otherwise people would be selling perp cash like fentanyl in Oregon
  3. HuskyD0G

    This server is going to die

    It’s always entertaining to me to see the psych break of someone who obviously has nothing better to do but farm reactions for their ego after getting punished on a gmod server.
  4. HuskyD0G

    Should Jay Walking be punishable by death?

    I've racked up about 60 kills running intersection jaywalkers over, one of my blacklists are for running one over as a medic from the past. No one is dedicated more to hitting someone at intersection than me.
  5. HuskyD0G

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    I think you're missing the point brother, monitor crosshairs don't show up period. Which means 90% of the people playing perp with a sub 250 dollar gaming monitor "like myself" could be using one making it literally impossible to control.
  6. HuskyD0G

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    It's not, this is real. You are now going to get cross mapped by SW500's from regals to bank without aiming. Have fun
  7. HuskyD0G

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    bout god damn time, all these monitor crosshair users were laughing at the pathetic crosshair X users I read the post wrong I think nevermind no I didn't
  8. HuskyD0G

    Model Suggestion Overalls

    Incredibly based reasoning for this to exist. Make it happen, if we can get flat caps and thigh highs we deserve some yee haw action
  9. HuskyD0G

    I just learned today that in the Swedish language fart means speed

    I just learned today that in the Swedish language fart means speed
  10. HuskyD0G

    Admins do not take cheating reports seriously at all and do not look at demos.

    Not every staff member wants to sit and watch your 30 minute gameplay loop of sitting and staring at a planter inside your slums apartment. If you want to witch hunt so bad, load the demo up yourself and clip exactly what part you think is suspicious and make an action request. Don’t expect...
  11. HuskyD0G


  12. HuskyD0G

    What do you enjoy on perp?

  13. HuskyD0G

    #1 gas lighter in perp, #1 role player, #1 RDM’R, #1 Brit.

    #1 gas lighter in perp, #1 role player, #1 RDM’R, #1 Brit.
  14. HuskyD0G


    Not even a mention of me? You better hope I don’t see you back on the streets of paralake again or your car is going to be missing its tires and its catalytic converter. Goodbye and have a good time! You’re on the the ops list now tho.
  15. HuskyD0G

    Leonard Bushross

    Who’s alt are you
  16. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Make arrest/ticket comments optional

    Most of my tickets usually end up like” illegal transport” or “ illegally parked” for minor things not needing context anyways to be honest
  17. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Make arrest/ticket comments optional

    Wym remember why, it would say the law they broke and they could further explain
  18. HuskyD0G

    Happy dolphin profile picture?

    Happy dolphin profile picture?
  19. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Make arrest/ticket comments optional

    I really wish you could just skip inputting a reason, like I clicked on the reason already why I gotta write a book if I don’t have too
  20. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    Can't say we didn't try
  21. HuskyD0G

    Things that piss you off about games

    Every cod game release has UI that looks like a Hulu plus subscription, that’s what is even more funny to your comparison.
  22. HuskyD0G

    Goodbye Video thanks for everything

    Ah yes the gmod pvp ego circle of life Join server > become known > join big org > start meta gaming > PvP god > make montages > start cheating for better clips > banned Rinse repeat, good luck soldier
  23. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    I think it's time for you to come to terms brother, your GPU has passed as I thought. Like ace said, try swapping over to integrated and see if you crash then. If you don't, prepare the ceremony burial for your GPU and your laptop. May it rest in piss. I can almost guarantee you killed it using...
  24. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    If this is all because of a windows update I would be very not surprised
  25. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    Someone optimistic reaction spam this guy
  26. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    He only has 3 options which i already sent him. Which was to remove 1 ram slot each and check if its the ram, wipe his nvidia drivers and install an older driver, and check the bios version and see if any major changes were fixed on his laptops support page. I personally think his GPU might just...
  27. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    I hate to tell you chief but he already reset his pc
  28. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    Let this be lesson to all, not to buy laptops for gaming
  29. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    I just want to let everyone know, I went through and he seems to be receiving an Nvldd error BSOD. Which means it could be anything from corrupted drivers, from ram issues, to something with his motherboard bios, or the GPU straight up being faulty. So this man is not exactly in the best...
  30. HuskyD0G

    Is my computer fucked?

    This might be the dumbest comment I've read all day, you cannot expect a dead GPU to show signs based on what it looks like. Cmon guys this is simple tech 101. If the GPU or something else is non-functioning the only way to tell is if someone rips it apart and tests each part