Police Suggestion Make arrest/ticket comments optional

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Suggestion Title: Make arrest/ticket comments optional
Suggestion Description: The box where you enter the punishment 'comments' should be an optional field, rather than requiring a minimum character count.

Why should this be added?:
- Reduces the need to repeat the exact same charges twice to meet the comment character count, or fill the reason with other useless info
- Puts emphasis on when comments are actually used as they indicate special circumstances or important notes

What negatives could this have?:
- None, comments are still an optional field and no important information is lost.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: This is likely just a relic from the previous arresting system where the officer had to manually type out the charges. As the exact charge number is now automatically appended and the officer cannot exceed the maximum punishment without ticking a box, this is an obsolete requirement and most of the time the comments field is just a repeat of the charges placed or random gibberish.

Additional comments beyond the charges were not necessary before the punishment overhaul, I don't see why they should be necessary now. If anything, officers have to think more about the exact charges as they are given a list now
I think if you are handing out parking tickets a lot it makes sense to add a keybind, that way you have more efficient rp
i usually hit them up with a cheeky: "illigaly parkedilligaly parkedilligaly parkedilligaly parked" or: ""
All good and all, till you get a supervisor questioning you for an arrest and you can't remember why
Would be cool to not have to worry about descriptions just to speed up the gameplay a little bit. I'm sure there are rare moments where they are useful, but the large majority of the time I feel like they don't really add anything of importance relative what you are doing or need to be called upon/considered.
Would be cool to not have to worry about descriptions just to speed up the gameplay a little bit. I'm sure there are rare moments where they are useful, but the large majority of the time I feel like they don't really add anything of importance relative what you are doing or need to be called upon/considered.
Most of my tickets usually end up like” illegal transport” or “ illegally parked” for minor things not needing context anyways to be honest
forget the checkbox, just remove the minimum character requirement for comments. The Law itself explains what the charge is for so it should be auto-input.
i feel like more than half of the laws dont need an explication. like 7.3 7.5 or like fucking tax evasion. its obvious. maybe fill in for like 10.1 because that can mean multiple things
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