Search results

  1. Fracket

    Medal recording problem

    That’s weird. Try reinstalling. A reinstall usually fixes everything.
  2. Fracket

    G'day Guys n Gals

    1. Plays gmod 2. Is Aussie Must be bub games
  3. Fracket

    250k (weekly) racing event | FENTANYL YOGA SUNDAY RALLY

    Looking forward for it not being griefed again
  4. Fracket

    What’s the craziest thing you've done in school?

    why are you making stuff up trying to act cool
  5. Fracket

    Action Request (Say Freelo)

    Your Steam Name: Fracket Your Roleplay Name: Tim Birley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:564754478 Player's Steam Name: Say Freelo Player's Roleplay Name: Jessie Aune Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183588072 Why should this player be punished?: Player got into a pursuit at subs for reckless...
  6. Fracket

    What’s the craziest thing you've done in school?

    Installed virus onto school computer
  7. Fracket

    Action Request (Siebe)

    Yeah… an accident like you didn’t back up and ram into him. I will record a demo
  8. Fracket

    Action Request (Siebe)

    (Involved) he also kept running people over. Ran Joe and others over infront of road crew and ems on purpose. Don’t have a clip since I cleared my clips.
  9. Fracket

    3.4 Question

    I am pretty sure if there is a cop within the vicinity you can’t raid a property
  10. Fracket

    Action Request (idk)

    I don’t remember and I just left cos I was tired
  11. Fracket

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: Fracket Your Roleplay Name: Tim Birley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:564754478 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: Ronald Coxk Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: shot me for no reason. in f6 admin said he was doing a raid. Raid infront of...
  12. Fracket

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: Fracket Your Roleplay Name: Tim Birley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:564754478 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: Toby Muttgumery Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: I was raiding. Me and a friend went back to grab the weed. The defender...
  13. Fracket

    Server Suggestion Motorcycles

    Suggestion Title: Motorcycles Suggestion Description: Vroom Why should this be added?: - bikes What negatives could this have?: - nothing What problem would this suggestion solve?: Cars
  14. Fracket

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: Fracket Your Roleplay Name: Tim Birley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:564754478 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: Toby Muttgumery Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: Just got off a cop. Had a friend dropped me off. Just got to bazaar and...
  15. Fracket

    Action Request (ItsSword)

    Your Steam Name: Fracket Your Roleplay Name: Tim Birley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:564754478 Player's Steam Name: ItsSword Player's Roleplay Name: Frederick Tipton Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:456667400 Why should this player be punished?: He shot at me and my fellow officer beforehand. We got 2...
  16. Fracket

    Action Request (Nizz6ix)

    Your Steam Name: Fracket Your Roleplay Name: Tim Birley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:564754478 Player's Steam Name: Nizz6ix Player's Roleplay Name: Jordan Novak Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:216362400 Why should this player be punished?: Report Reason: I was killed without a justifiable...
  17. Fracket

    Game keeps freezing.

    I had this same problem the other day. I had to update my driver and Windows. That fixed the issue.
  18. Fracket

    Pets of PERPHeads

    did mean to send half of those lmao
  19. Fracket

    Pets of PERPHeads

  20. Fracket

    Refund Request (Fracket)

  21. Fracket

    Refund Request (Fracket)

    Your Steam Name: Fracket Your Roleplay Name: Tim Birley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:564754478 Reason for Request: I was gambling at the poker table. It was my turn and unwillingly I pressed All In by voting for the mayor. I was just trying to vote the mayor and not go all in...
  22. Fracket

    Can you shoot the vehicle in this situation?

    Also since he drove away from a Traffic Stop means he is probably dangerous.
  23. Fracket

    Can you shoot the vehicle in this situation?

    3.3 Use of Force Law enforcement officers may use any amount of force in the execution of their duties provided that it is reasonable and justifiable. If you deem the vehicle to be driving to cause harm or to kill. You have the right to shoot at the car to stop it. As seen in the law above it...
  24. Fracket

    Pierogi Clan

    Pierogi Clan is currently Recruiting! New Players Welcome! We are a merchant faction who sells guns and equipment whilst also growing drugs, basing and raiding. Apply by replying with the format below: FORMAT: In-Character Name: In-Character Phone Number: Discord: SteamID: Steam Account...