Search results

  1. Lucius Husky

    Skin support

  2. Lucius Husky

    Skin support

    Was this resolved, if so. What was the solution, if not. Whats the status?
  3. Lucius Husky

    Recording shootouts

    Is this still a thing? If so, your best bet would be to create a forum PM with the community managers and pitch your idea with them. If they like it, you can always get a temporary rank with noclip or find other solutions together.
  4. Lucius Husky

    3.4 while in cars

    Was your question answered?
  5. Lucius Husky

    Presents 2024

    You can open them now :)
  6. Lucius Husky

    Police Suggestion Let people into a police car without cuffing

    Perhaps make the C keybind that changes childlock or no childlock switch between locks? e.g (childlock, private, public). Childlock = no one in, no one out. Private = no one in, everyone can get out (just like it is now without childlock) and public = anyone in, anyone out?
  7. Lucius Husky

    insert dumb rating here

    insert dumb rating here
  8. Lucius Husky

    Refund Request (Kali)

    1x AS50 1x AS50 MAG 1x ACOG SIGHT Player picked up AI AS50 (173123160) at Public Parking Lot belonging to Kali (STEAM_0:1:755843759) Older situation, but it seems as though the player that took the AS50 is not active enough to retrieve it.
  9. Lucius Husky


  10. Lucius Husky

    rxsm is no match for me

    rxsm is no match for me
  11. Lucius Husky

    Refund Request (ALOO89)

    1x $25600
  12. Lucius Husky


  13. Lucius Husky


    Stop spamming ban appeals, wait some time, put in proper effort. If you continue, a forum ban will be issued.
  14. Lucius Husky

    3.4 while in cars

    You must reasonably have a chance of survival, if you start driving and the person would open fire, he would realistically hit you through the window. If you are already in motion you have a higher chance of avoiding said bullets. Though motion does need to be of significant speed. Going 5mph...
  15. Lucius Husky

    Action Request (StinkyPedro)

    StinkyPedro has accepted my steam friend request but has failed to reply to my multiple attempts at contacting him, so I will proceed as normal. It seems like from logs that StinkyPedro wrecked the car on a highway bend on the middle barrier, meaning he did not follow 3.15 by making sure he...
  16. Lucius Husky


  17. Lucius Husky

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    sending love
  18. Lucius Husky


  19. Lucius Husky

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    The weapon has since been confiscated. 1x SW Model 500 (182539597) 2x Pistol Ammo Box 5x Bandage 3x Crowbar 2x Ziptie 5x Stimpack 1x Splint 3x Lockpick Please contact an administrator or higher in-game by creating a report and pasting the link to this refund request to claim your lost items.
  20. Lucius Husky

    Action Request (StinkyPedro)

    Making an attempt at contacting them through steam as they have no forum account.
  21. Lucius Husky


  22. Lucius Husky

    Rule Suggestion (3.12 Mayoral Assassination)

    The point of the ‘threatening’ adverts is to give the mayor a chance to lower the taxes, if he responds to these adverts and lowers them then goal achieved right? If he keeps lowering and raising then he isnt following promises and you can kill him regardless.
  23. Lucius Husky


  24. Lucius Husky


  25. Lucius Husky

    M4 Skin

    God no, I mind
  26. Lucius Husky

    M4 Skin

    Can you maybe make like a single thread for all your posts mate
  27. Lucius Husky

    Ban Apology ([-Core-] Daan)

    The ban is not long, I'd recommend reading the rules and waiting it out. Especially since you also have 2 recent warnings.
  28. Lucius Husky


  29. Lucius Husky

    Refund Request (Miki)

    1x HK45 CT 1x HK45 CT Magazine Player confiscated HK HK45 CT (182757980) at Suburbs House 2 belonging to NoDignityLeft (STEAM_0:0:611841546) Please make an F6 in-game when an administrator or higher ranked player is online and paste the link to this refund request in the report.