@Floppa try this one.
Download this
and move these two folders into "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\"
Run the game with chromium enabled
Try out your mic
I wanted to show you some of the weapon skins I made so far.
You may have seen them on Discord already, but I want to know your favorite.
You can vote for 3 of your favorites.
I will show future skins here as well.
(I take no skin requests and I won't share them (maybe only to some chosen ones))...
Place 39 props, so you can at least drop 1 item at one time.
If you need more props than 40, you can ask for your prop limit to be increased.
Increasing the prop limit overall would just cause more lag to the server.
Kevko's Custom Images Guide
In this Guide, I will tell you everything you need to know to make a custom sign.
What you need
a design software like Photoshop, GIMP, paint.net, etc. (or you get someone to make you a design)
a design in the right resolution
an Image Prop to put your custom image...
Isnt Sims 4 free to play now? You should give it a go!
Otherwise TF2, Fallout Shelter, Planetside 2 or any Idle Game
edit: + APB: Reloaded but it might be dead by now